Who are your male role models?

My Father. Strong, capable, assertive, but kind, considerate, thoughtful, loving, caring.

Harrison Ford, The man not the actor. He once saved a man stuck on a mountain in his helicopter, not thinking about the danger that could happen. He doesn’t care what people say about him. He doesn’t go with the Hollywood flow. He does his job & goes home.

My dad for providing for his family and his approach on trying to make the world a better place.
My Coworker who decided to stay in another country and with that staying outside his comfort zone.

Bob Marley. His purpose in life was to “live”.

I always loved Clint Eastwood in the western films. he was alone and went from town to town trying to be good. I have always loved this about that character. Also as a person Clint has been a wonderful director , I dont know much about his personal life but for his professional life I respect him.

I actually admire men who stand up for gender stereotypes…… it isn’t for everyone…… but it takes courage to stand up and say that is still how I want to live my life

Ricky Gervais not afraid to speak his mind

The guys I meet for sex who are fully and totally in the moment and in their own bodies - not disconnected at all - allowing everything to flow based on pleasure even if that involves wax and wain. This course has helped me to move forwards in this direction.

I admire Mister Rogers for his compassion and empathy. More men need to more openly compassionate and empathetic. I also really admire my Dad because I know how much he has focused on changing and shifting his mindset away from a more backwards and traditional mindset that he grew up with when it came to fatherhood and masculinity as a husband/father.

Weird Al

George Strait, Denzel Washington, Elon Musk.

Confidence, goal getters, humble, and intelligent, and genuine. Just to name a few.

I guess someone who is not afraid to live according to their own values and not what he rest of society says. Confident and self-assured.

Me. I know that sounds conceited. But honestly I can’t find inspiration from athletes, movie stars, etc. We don’t even know those guys, beyond what is usually a carefully crafted public persona. I try to understand who I am and live true to myself and love myself.

Sam Sulek, Goggins, Theo Vonn: All very different people but they all seem to know how to overcome things and are very sincere/personable on deep subjects

Tom Rosenthal, successful for being himself

Bob Ross

my dad

My dad is a role model for me. He does not curve his behaviour to meet the expectations of other people. Yesterday he held hands with his mate who’d just lost his own father. He did not care about who was watching or what they thought. He simply comforted his friend.

Ryan Reynolds.

His confident, this is me personality, is sexy as hell and really something to uphold as a definition of what being a ’man’ is today.

I have friends who live life on their terms sexually. One man confidently will have sex with his partner while she has a period because he does "not mind a little color " Another is the other man in an affair - his girlfriend is married in a sexless marriage - and confidently accepts this and makes the most of it. Both have confidence to do something unusual.