Whatever your relationship status, how do you feel about discussing your erection issues with a partner?

I have discussed it with several partners to alleviate stress for them but it doesn’t reduce mine

Uncomfortable at first when I didn’t know why it was happening. Clearly knew it wasn’t her but felt like I had to get into some pretty deep areas of vulnerability to really explain why. I see potential for it to turn into a growth in true intimacy for sure but it’s all pretty new to me realizing it’s a more frequent problem now than I was expecting. She’s super supportive though and honestly kind of a reminder of what real intimacy is about in my opinion versus a performance game. The hardest part is truly accepting why someone would want to deal with this shit as a partner but I also picture how I would respond if it was the other way around and I’d want to help her out and love her in any way I could and I’d wanna get even closer too so it’s not that surprising.

I used to not want to talk about the issues untik they actually happened. Once they happended i felt forced to discuss them and really did not want to. But after I did discuss the issues, then I realized how helpful it was in solving the issues for the most part.

It’s never easy

stable, already discusses my concerns

I am in a stable long term relationship. I have already talked about it and my wife took it very well.


Logically the best idea, but I do feel that it’s risky.

I feel fine, but she is not very comfortable speaking about sex.

Last partner I had, it was the first time I had ever had it happen. When it happened she took it personally. Told her it had never happened before and that it may just be that I was in my head. After she blew up about saying I have an issue. That’s where it all fell apart. Started panicking, not seeking sex. Just lost all desire. But I know now if someone reacts like that, you’re better off without them

I think it’s difficult. Me and my partner have been able to have sex everyday for multiple times a day during a couple of years, but now I would like for us to be more “creative” because I admit it, I feel that the sex we do it’s a bit boring, always the same.

Better to be honest and open

Something I should have started doing a long time ago. I know for a fact this will relieve SO much pressure from here on out.

I was open about it from the beginning, and generally feel open, but sometimes have felt shut down when I have tried to suggest root causes of the issue.

I don’t enjoy talking about it, especially if it has just happened. But, if I voice my concerns of getting and keeping an erection before getting intimate, this sets the expectations much lower, keeps the pressure off, and I usually end up getting an erection no problem

I feel just fine

I want to start a relationship and have avoided them for years for this particular reason, if I tell them they get uninterested and tell everyone about it, it’s tough out here fellas!

I feel quite open with my partner about the erection issues. I don’t really see the point of hiding it as it physically cannot be hidden. Might as well own up to it and find a potential solution together.

Everytime it feels difficult to let it out with a new partner, but once it’s out there is easier to navigate and not let things go around your head

Before mojo, I felt nervous to talk about it and would get upset when I couldn’t get it up. But just the fact that I shared with my partner that I’m doing it made me feel better, and I’ve explained that I’m working on it and she’s proud of me. We can now have fun without any expectations which takes a lot of the pressure off.