I feel pathetic and less of a man if I discuss this and even less of a man if I lose it during sex. I dont understand why I lose it
Ok here and there. Haven’t discussed much outside of one time which she was receptive. If it happens again I think a more thorough convo will be held. Much rather be able to spearhead this on my own without that talk
I am happy discussing it with my partner and she seems very understanding - but I can also tell she wants to make me climax and I want to do so as well to show her how attractive I find her and how good she makes me feel. Sometimes the desperation to reach that goal puts me in my thoughts too much and I worry it is pushing her away when I find myself unable to.
I love the idea of it. I do worry whether I’d actually do it for fear of ruining the moment
Quite embarrassed to be honest. I get the logic behind why doing it helps relieve the pressure, and removed maybe some of the dread if I don’t get it up, but it still feels super hard to actually spit it out! I will try and think of a way I could raise this with my next partner.
Fine, but I’m in a long-term relationships/ marriage, and I don’t find it to be a one and done sort of conversation but rather something ongoing and intermittent. Sometimes it feels like, " this again" and it can be hard to roll with, but that might just be me. I have a deep abandonment wound, and I fear sometimes that she’ll get sick of me struggling with this.
I’m reasonably comfortable in theory. If they have a problem, we’re not a match, end of story. But it does feel like I’m wasting opportunities by telling people, and that they would lose interest
I guess I’ve always felt reticent, mostly because the societal pressure of always expected to get hard at all occasions. Doing this course has helped normalize the conversation, even with just myself.
The times when we’ve had the best sex have often been when we’ve talked about the problem first, it’s like by admitting there is some anxiety there it stops being a problem. It’s at its worst when I’m trying to pretend it’s not happening
It’s not something I want yo have to bring up and often I don’t need to anymore because this program has helped but when I have to id say it’s easier to do so than before the program. She’s understanding and expresses her feelings and I reassure her of how I feel for her.
I remember I messed up two casual relationships because I was nervous about sharing my issue. And one of them, we spent 5hours watching shows/films - I was so nervous. She called it a night because I was over thinking it.
Recently speaking to a few people and I have been super transparent with all of them and it has been super helpful and playful.
It’s uncomfortable. I feel like she doesn’t understand why and she often says things like “I guess you don’t find me attractive anymore”. That’s hurts as it’s not the reason at all.
A bit nervous
Difficult but needs to happen
I actually really like the idea of bringing up the issue ahead of time. In my situation it’s more casual hook-ups after drinking and being out all night, so the way in the video where it talks about tailoring that conversation and not making it super serious is helpful. It lays the foundation of clear communication
It was very difficult for me to begin with. Since having Therapy, I find it a lot easier to speak about my issues. Seeing a Therapist has mad me understand my behaviour, personally and in my relationships.
Mojo has helped me to feel more confident about talking about my issue with new partners. Normally they’re pretty nice about it. But last night I had a girl who thought it was because she wasn’t pretty enough… Shut up for a second, this is clearly my issue, dont make it about you
Feels a bit tricky letting someone new know about it but I think it would work !
I really struggled with it early on but the closer I have gotten to my wife the easier it has gotten. I really struggled early on as coming across as perfect but now I want to try and explain to her that she is not the issue and it is me and we will get through this like we have in the past. I just know I want this to be a permanent fix or semi-permanent fix but I want to get closer to her and being as open as I can about everything is how I will do so.