Whatever your relationship status, how do you feel about discussing erection issues or early climax with a partner?

Kinda difficult but sometimes I do and kids makes things lighter

It’s only slightly difficult talking with my wife because I can’t always find the best way to say what’s going through my mind.

I always hide away from this issue and I think sitting down with my partner would alleviate a lot of the stress and anxiety

Totally fine

Fine, shes very supportive and understanding of the situation. She says theres no pressure if things dont change. She says shes still pleased if things don’t change.

Since I’m not in a serious relationship, this is difficult for me. There’s always the chance that bringing up a problem like that will be a dealbreaker that early on, so it makes it more about feeling ok with that than just bringing up a problem that I’m fairly certain they’ll be willing to work through.

Embarrassed to start but free once I had the conversation.

Seeing some examples of how that can sounds takes a lot of the pressure off. I can def see myself putting to use.

It’s definitely an uncomfortable discussion, but you do feel better afterwards because it allows you both to move forward with the relationship with a better perspective. They can respect you and your body, and also help you overcome the issue. It will also allow them to not feel like it’s their fault if it does happen

Sometimes I feel brave enough to discuss issues with my partner, but sometimes I have such a huge mental block that I am unable to think of it as an idea beforehand, which can cause stress and frustration.
I find that these daily tasks are helping me to check in with myself on a more regular basis, so that I am more likely to be self aware enough to bring something up when it’s a problem for me.

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It’s super tough to lay it all on the table especially the first time you have sex with somebody but I find that the relationships in which I’m able are the ones I want to invest in.

I have done it once or twice before and it actually has never put off a partner from wanting to be intimate with me. It feels better afterward and it takes the pressure way off so getting hard actually becomes more likely, at least it did in my case.


Worried and not sure how to bring it up

I don’t feel good about it. I am in a long term relationship and I have tried several times to have this conversation with my partner. Somehow it almost always leads to arguments. I don’t know if I’m approaching it wrong or if I’m saying all the wrong things. I understand the issue is very troubling for my girlfriend so emotions get heated. I’m just at a loss on how to communicate on this issue.

It definitely feels awkward and embarrassing. Almost shameful, but once you’re able to work up the courage to have that talk, it makes you feel a bit better. Especially when you receive a supportive response.

Only recently have I been comfortable enough with my wife to discuss this. Opening up helped a bit and we made progress. I was able to listen when she opened up with her own “I” statement

MOJO has shown me that there is so much power in opening up. The right partner will try and work with you, but by getting in front of a possible worry, and suddenly you got two people ready to have fun.

My wife often takes my inability to stay aroused as a sign that she is doing something wrong, despite years of similar experiences. It has been challenging to navigate.

I have found a similar experience. When I can’t perform, my partner would immediately take that out on themselves, or blame my porn habits.

But by being brave, using “I” statements while opening up, and by also then explaining what I have learned about the science behind some performance anxiety issues, the arguments are less hostile, and become conversations where you are both just nicer to yourself/you, the pressure and stress is alleviated and you are then both just two bodies wanting to connect.

Feel awkward but also feel sure that it’d help