What’s an expanded definition of sex you wish you could live by?

Sex is about conection and hsving fun. Sex is being intimate close and vulnerable. Allowing someone and someone allowing you to be naked and primal. Sex for me is being vulnerable, fragile, but at the same time being an animal who wants to eat and have pleasure. Sex is a dance, a fight and the most tender moment one could have. Sex is also love, and I feel way better when I love the girl which I am having sex with. Sex is to explore new boundaries of my body. Sex and orgasm can be felt not only in my penis, for example my back feels crazy amount of pleasure. Sex is a space to explore, have fun and an adventure

I want to be super adventurous and loads more fun in the bedroom. Its should be fun and exciting

I’d like sex to be forming a deeper connection with my partner whilst at the same time having fun with it and letting ourselves be authentic. Funnily enough, being authentic is a way to form that deeper connection and enjoy it.

I simply want to feel that connection with my partner, and to strengthen that bond. Sex is about enjoyment and companionship, so that’s what I want. To enjoy the experience more, and to forge a strong bond with my partner.

I want to feel relaxed, connected, and present during sex. When I can be in that state, it’s fun and rewarding regardless of what my penis does.

Sex is fun, playful, sensual, exploratory, pleasurable, involves the whole body

For me sex is about love. It’s about being vulnerable with the person you love, and accepting one another for who they are, how they look at their most vulnerable etc. In that atmosphere you can have fun, and goof off, and explore pleasuring each others bodies.

I like ‘play’ sex mostly, touching and being touched. Could be anywhere - doesn’t always have to lead to an orgasm.

I want to just be able to explore and be confident in trying new things and experiences

Sex is about being close with someone

Sex i about enjoying each other’s feelings and giving pleasure to each other

Physical intimacy

Foreplay and bdsm

Kissing, drawing out pleasure and anticipation

Becoming one.

Both being comfortable and completely open without expectations or preconceived notions, or judging

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Reciprocated intimacy

The ultimate animalistic connection

If you are feeling connected that’s what counts as sex

Passion, the desire to own somebody in bed, to give them pleasure