What’s an expanded definition of sex you wish you could live by?

Letting the ‘respectable’ side of myself go and being a predator or rough in bed, with elements of degrading and restraint as well. Very opposite to how I come across and am in life

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No thought, just carnal eneetic connection with my partner, giving and receiving pleasure without shame

Sex is a passionate expression of desire and acts to create a deep, intimate connection with my partner.

I co-sign this.

Being somewhat of the opposite of what I am in my mundane life. aggressive, bossy

Two things:

  • It’s okay to have sex when others are in the house (so long as you’re respectful about noise)
  • more eye contact. My partners have tended to look away but I like focusing on their pleasure and it brings out my own.

To provide and get pleasure as a means to some love and to relax.

Giant pleasure and affection and lov is my definition of sex. I can’t have pleasure when my partner doesn’t have . That’s why foreplay is very important for me, it creates intimacy, seduction, playful games between the 2, and it increase my connexion with the person. Penetration is very secondary at this stage

Connection and exploration. Discovering which sensations work best. Surrendering to the moment. Not being tied to role or formula.

Fucking fucking fucking! Let all my raw passion and desire to dominate come out!

Enjoying sensations and pleasure together with no timeline or expectations

A Celebration of how we feel about one another, a place where all our fears do not exist. Everything and anything is acceptable, there is no judgement on my comfort and pleasure.

Sex you be a time where you enjoy providing and accepting pleasure with a partner, uninhibited by stress or worry. It should be relaxed and natural instinct

Both people somewhat equally getting pleasure and enjoying each other’s company

Being wholly desired and wanted. Giving my partner mind-blowing orgasms/sex. Feeling confident and secure with myself in the moment.

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No silent expectation of what the other should be doing. No mind games.
Natural progression, it can be sensual and slow or rough but what ever it is it should be authentic. Let it breath and don’t force anything . And if it doesn’t work we try something else

Give endless pleasure to my partner and let her give it me back

Just cuddling and kissing

Bein more comfortable with that person than anyone else

Intimacy and closeness