What’s an expanded definition of sex you wish you could live by?

Bonding, making each other feel wanted and pleasure

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There is no one definition, sex can be better pure pleasure from various things!

Focusing on pleasure

Playful, shameless and as often as possible

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Having both parties cum and enjoy what happens

Shameless,playful exploration


Both parties desire each other and desire the pleasure & experience… not just the end result

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Sex is where you are your most vulnerable with someone else

Sex shod be fun and care free but also a bit rough sometimes . And yeah i ideally want my partners face to show it.

To lead, dominate and find pleasure in aggression. Have control over my erection and ejaculation timing. With that, quickies and long lasting passionate sex. Be ready for the occasion.

Connection and feeling accepted

Connecting with my partner and having a good time

Fun play time between adults

Enjoying the whole body

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Sex should be fun, exploratory and casual

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An intimate time with your partner, naked, exploring each other’s bodies with curiousity. Maybe one or both people get pleasure from the experience but it’s the vulnerable intimacy that matters.

Ample time to spend with each others bodies and growing comfortable with that person sexually without pressure, being aggressive but loving at the same time and feeling like my partner is willing to take the time with me that I take with them

Having full control and dominance over my partner

The sex I aspire to is the deepest expression of love between two people; it’s as much about physical pleasure as it is about emotional connection. It’s a willingness to not only be completely exposed to each other, but to try new things for each other’s enjoyment, and without the fear of being judged.

I don’t know. My marriage defined my sex life and then it went away so I have to figure that out