Unserious fun at first that eases into moments of tenderness, connection and pleasure
Other definition of sex to me… if genitals get involved it’s sex. Cumming and pleasure. I just want sex more often with my fiancée
My pleasure
Being gentle and tender but with underlying dominance. Taking my time. Foreplay. Lots of kissing. Building tension. Teasing. Adding more roughness and dominance. I enjoy giving pleasure and seeing my partner’s reaction, but I think at times I place too much pressure on myself to ‘perform’. My definition has always involved penetration too but I see that that can cause pressure and I have had some amazing sexual experiences without intercourse. I think I need to broaden my definition and bring more fun and playfulness to sex, as well as intensity.
Passion and connection
Intimacy, connection and mutual enjoyment
Closeness, intimacy and making my partner feel as good as she makes me feel
Being romantic. Kissing, touching, licking, sharing fantasies, exploring, being playful, being passionate.
Sexy talks and kissing
A mutual understanding of what you and your partner like and feel comfortable with.
To have fun. To be excited and playful and in the moment. To tease
I’m hung up on performance… which is crazy… because I’m (probably) “old fashioned” and believe in unconditional love…
But still feel the need to perform… madness…
I’m trying to enjoy love, sex and belonging… but getting them a bit mixed up. Mojo is working though…
Fun, mutual pleasure.
Mutual Exploration of pleasure
Any contact with sexual organs that is mutually consensual.
Giving and receiving tactile and auditory pleasure with a partner/s
Physical contact that gives pleasure. Hopefully to all people involved.
it means intimacy and being close. I love to make my girlfriend cum, but I recognize that might not happen every single time, and that doesn’t mean we’re not having a close time together.
Intimacy and climax