What’s an expanded definition of sex you wish you could live by?

Stress-free intimacy and connection

Sex is the physical intimacy that bonds 2 or more people together culminating in a physical release

Sex is the physical intimacy shared by 2 or more people culminating in a physical and or emotional release

Adult playtime

The other person looking at you as if you are the best and only one

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A space where there’s no judgement. Just fun and pleasure. A moment where we can explore each other and there’s no opportunity for anxiety.

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Allowing myself to be a sexual person. I crave sex and think about it all of the time. I’m not sure my partner really knows that about me, even after years together. We’ve made progress together and I am getting better at allowing her to see me and what I really enjoy- and our sex has improved.

penetration doesn’t have to occur and cumming doesn’t have to the end goal. Enjoying each others body’s and intimacy are amazing also

sex that is not tied with pressure

A physical, emotional, and intimate connection with my wife that allows me to enjoy pleasuring her while I get turned on and get off doing it as well. Also the best stress release in the world!

To just be naked and comfortable with another, without sex needing to happen alongside

Having fun and experimenting. Being open and explorative

To purely enjoy the company of another person or people with our body and mind. To connect and to satisfy urges.

Physical attraction and touch. I need to feel you breathe, touch you and kiss you. I need to explore your body by rubbing my body against yours.

Losing my grip on the moment, letting go completely.

Getting the woman to cum and show me appreciation for her sexual gratification

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Full attention on what feels just right in that moment for me and my partner - focused on the other and ourselves and nothing else.

Sex to me is a physical and emotional connection.

A moment of physical explotation where I am numbing my mind in passion, intimacy, pleasure and aesthetics and where I am appreciated