What does your inner critic sound like? (Part 4)

How wil I ever be able to hold an erection for that long? What if one never comes up…

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My inner critic is myself - it’s t anxiety telling myself I need to get and stay hard. It’s putting pressure on myself to perform. I know I’mood at sex and I know it feels great, but I’m putting too much pressure on myself.

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I have a hernia in my stomach and it sticks out and I am very self conscious about so it talks about that and then it talks about is my penis big enough

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I get so pent up about getting and staying hard and performing and less about my pleasure. I’m too inky head I can’t be present


My inner critic starts pointing out all my physical flaws, then leaves me with an image of me not getting hard. This is just at the thought of the possibility of having sex

My inner critic starts off by saying your not gone to last long coming up with excuses why

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It’s a form of my own voice that holds me back, to prevent me from being embarrassed in the long run - but causes it directly itself

My inner critic gives me feelings of shame and has done since I was circumcised as a child

My inner critic is this panicky person who starts tremulously questioning the plan (to have sex) and quickly progresses to screaming that “this isn’t going to work” and thus destroys my confidence.

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They think you aren’t attracted to them because you can’t maintain an erection. You aren’t visibly enjoying the sex because you’re not present


Tells me things like you’re not good enough, your not attracted to them, rushes me into trying to get hard or stay hard, always just thinking about what to do and what the plan is during sex instead of just going with the flow


Can’t finish once going soft


My inner critic makes me question whether my partner enjoys my performance, which distracts me and causes me to lose my erection.

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Self-doubt, inadequacy, “knowing” things aren’t going to work

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Gets me when I’m most vulnerable, when I’m scared of being embarrassed, when I’m getting out of my comfort zone, rather than getting excited I get anxious due to a voice telling me to not do it. It’s been there for Aslong as I’veknown now that I think about it.

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It feels like a numbness. An incessant desire to second-guess everything it feels like I need to plan ahead just to think freely.

It feels like solving a puzzle without any pieces— like the end goal is both expected and unexpected at the same time.

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A nagging bully that tells you to give up

I feel a pressure to satisfy her and don’t want to let he down.

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Inner critic comes out when you I know sex is in the horizon. When I get into the shower It tells me it’s not going to work. When I lay in bed after the shower next to my partner the only thing It’s telling me is it’s not going to work. I am fighting it but it wins. I make excuses that I am tired or have a headache.

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Inner critic takes the form of silent resignation. It does not speak, but the thought is affirmed that sex won’t de different or any more fun.

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