What does your inner critic sound like? (Part 4)

Constantly hung up on what could have been, anxious about could be, never present enough to enjoy the amazing ride it’s been. Sex included.

I feel panic and dread. My body locks up and I am numb to feelings. I feel useless. Even if I don’t hear a voice it is a physical sensation that holds me back from experience.

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Im scared because i feel like i just have sex for the first time, since im a virgin. I have tried but i cant stay hard so she thinks its her fault. I get this voice that says im not normal i cannot do it right or i will disappoint her again. my head gets all buzzed up and i have this tingling feeling in my stomach

Constantly reminds of the same bad sexual encounters I’ve had and tells me it’ll happen everytime. Also comparing her old partners ability to satisfy her all the time with his penis to mine.

I have trouble embracing excitement. I create reasons to not be aroused.it sucks. I alws compare myself and begin thinking she wants more or another guy.

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Same here. Can sometimes not even hear a voice, just instant fight or flight when pants come off.

It replays scenes of me in the past screwing up. Feeling sad, feeling panic, feeling that fight or flight response. It the reminds me of how hard I must get in order to satisfy this girl.

sounds just like me if not more like me
hard to distinguish between

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I don’t find myself very attractive, I worry that my partner won’t like my body, I fl shame about how my lifestyle choices (smoking, sleeping in, drinking, not working out) are affecting my performance

My inner critic is always there to watch me fail, just berates and judges me from the sidelines, always there and when I come up short or fail to achieve what I want. My inner critic is there to make me feel so damn inadequate and worry about the future to the point that I can’t help but feel inferior. A cycle of me being my worst critic has gotten to a point that just hurts.

My inner critic replays the past shitty moments in be where i got it up and lost it right before putting it in. It just says don’t let it happen over and over again in my head

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Constanly reminds me of past failures, am I good enough, I hope she enjoys it, how do I compare to others before me

Don’t let this happen again. How can you let her down? Can you really let yourself not live up to this expectation?


My inner critic starts before moment of having sex or even kissing, a feeling of failure shows up, my body is sweating, getting warmer inside. Before there was a voice saying : get up , get up and nothing happens. With time, and bad experiences accumulating, it’s been replaced by a feeling of failure

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My inner critic makes me unsure about living up to her expectations

Mines where I’m worried during the act, worried imma go soft

That I’m gonna maintain an erection long enough for my wife to finish.

That you won’t be able to get hard, and maintain an erection for penetrative sex. I’ll just have to relay on handjobs forever.

My inner critic is I’m worried I will not erect , I have to imagine during sex to get erection. When I’m erected I want to finish sooner I’m worried it will.get soft

Being scared that I won’t be able to keep it up during sex