What does your inner critic sound like? (Part 4)

My inner critic is the dissapointment I give to my spouse of not succeeding the play we started.

My inner critic is not being able to do a perfect job, not able to perform sexually and give my wife the experience she deserves

Harbinger of doom, of embarrassment, of failure

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It’s going to be hard to get up and stay up


It is really hard to get it up

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I think very hard about me needing to have an erection and the instant enjoyment I need to have when I start sex with my partner.

Anxious of not getting and staying hard, as my penis is not big and then she might see that. And premature ejaculation

he likes to demonstrates all the ways my body and effort won’t be sufficient to pleasure the person beneath me

I used to think I was good at sex, not so much anymore. I feel like I rarely satisfy my partner.

A sensation of adrenaline rushing through my body, anxious thoughts of not beg able to relax and keep my
Mind in the moment.

I feel like I can only have good sex with my partners. Now I am single I only have bad sex

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I worry I am not good enough. I have always wanted to please my partner and as the rare incident with ED was happened, my worries about being good enough have increased leading to more incidents with ED


When having sex with my long term partner I feel like I need to do all the work and please her. I rarely let her take control. I worry that either she will not satisfy me or that I will not be able to perform unless I take the lead. I worry that my penis will not be good enough for her.

I worry that I’m not doing good enough for her and she doesn’t like it. Also the fact that I struggle to maintain an erection.

What’s the poor in having sex tonight, it’s not going to last long enough to bother.

Will I be able to satisfy my partner? Does my partner like me? Why do I have sex with this person? Isn’t having sex outside marriage a sin? I should be punished for having sex. I don’t deserve to have fun. I am not going to stay hard and enjoy but it’s good because sex shouldn’t be fun.

6 months single from a 9 year relationship and I’ve been with 2 women since. Both of whom I had problems with ED. It happened the first time and since then it’s happened almost every time since. I’m terrified and waiting for it not to work.

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My partner has made me feel bad about not staying hard but marital problems and a lack of confidence make me get in my head and I feel the need to perform or I’llfeel shame and she’ll be upset. My inner critic consumes my thoughts and I can’t relax or enjoy the pleasure.

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My inner critic tells me that I can’t stay hard. That my past history of using drugs with sex has broken me forever. That my body today (with 30lbs of extra weight) can’t perform well. That I am disappointing my partner. That I am not safe.


I’m married and my inner critic reminds me of the last time that I couldn’t stay my hard. If you don’t stay up, she’s going to think it’s her. Don’t get he all heated and then let her down. I also feel anxiety and a slight tingle in my feet.

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