What does your inner critic sound like? (Part 4)

Says I won’t be able to get hard and I’ll be so embarassed again


My inner critic is just scared, scared I won’t be enough and I’m not meant for this and I can’t give my significant other pleasure

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Says my fiancé is going to leave me because I cannot have sex with her constantly at the age of 29. That I cannot get hard spontaneously. That I am going to have a heart attack and or ED at any moment.

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You will not be able to perform. Your wife will think you do not love her or find her attractive.i

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My inner critic tells me that I am inadequate, that I am incapable of satisfying my partner as well as his ex had. It makes me feel self-conscious about my body and especially about the size of my penis.

My inner critic makes me feel like i’m watching myself fail in 3rd person. It tells me once I go limp I won’t be able to come back and that this is something I’ll live with constantly. It also plays back memories of my inadequacy I also think of my upbringing around sex and how I’vealeays been late bloomer in that department.


It tells me that I’m over the hill and it’s the end of my sex life

Hard to sa, but I guess, if I don’t know an answer I default to a negative viewpoint

Mine is that she will be disappointed with sex before it’s started. It’s a flash back to when she has bee disappointed in the past and I shut down and want to protest myself from feeling like that again.

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My inne critic tellse tells that I won’t be able to get or stay hard and mynew girlfriend will leave me because of it. She will think that I don’t find her attractive, which is not true.

My inner critic creates a vague sense of dread then when I don’t get hard or can’t stay hard targets that and gets louder

Like someone who tells me I won’t be able to get hard and that my partner will be disappointed and not want to see me again

My inner critic doesn’t say anything but still communicates an array of emotions to me, usually always of failure and inadequacy.

My inner critic isn’t a voice. It feels more like a sensation of guilt or anxiety. If I don’t perform in the bedroom, they wil tell someone or I’ll feel shame. So my critic steers me away from taking the risks of hooking up spontaneously


No voice so far just image of nothing workin

It’s my voice berating me

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self doubt and a feeling of shame in my gut

My inner critic is a video in my head replaying the last time I didn’t perform in the bedroom as a reminder “don’t let this happen again”

Mine isn’t a voice but a feeling. The massive feeling of doubt. Part physically. Been beaten down by not being able to perform. There’s also uncertainty of is this person going to stick around long enough for it to matter. What’s the point? Is what my brain says.

A lot of “what if’s?”