What does the shame of having ED feel like for you?

Jaw clenches up and feel slightly sick in back of throat, as if holding back the shame. Start heating up as well as the shame kicks in, a bit like being under the spotlight

Tightness in the top of my chest and lower neck, almost like it would dampen my voice

Increased heartbeat, flushed cheeks, heavy chest

Heavy Knot in stomach

A sort of dull, heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It makes lose confidence in myself

Sick feeling stomach, tension in chest

Makes me question my sexuality

Actually I was quite normal

A hollow feeling in my chest

I felt a tightening in my neck and my throat and a pressure coming from the back of my neck up into my head

It makes me feel like a huge weight is pressing down on my chest and I can’t remove it, makes me feel ashamed and like I’m a let down. It makes me feel like this will always happen

It makes me feel like a huge weight is pressing down on my chest and I can’t remove it, makes me feel ashamed and like I’m a let down. It makes me feel like this will always happen

Pain in my heart, nauseating feeling in my stomach. Nerves on fire.

Overal un manly

A knot in my stomach, afraid how they’d react.

I started to feel my chest actually beat. It doesn’t feel like its beating faster, it just feel like maybe I’m hyperaware of my heartbeat. I also get kind of a weird feeling in my stomach

No feeling but the stress of not being a man still there

The shame is around why can’t I work out why I can’t last longer yet many other men seem to be able to. And that I can’t openly discuss this with someone to understand it better. And ultimately is this something that disappoints my wife

Feeling stI pid why can’t I work out why I can’t last longer and helpless as to how to fix it