What does the shame of having ED feel like for you?

A knot in my chest with my heart beating

I felt anxious and heavy breathing, a heavy weight on my chest

Tension in my gut, and just an overall heavy feeling.

It felt like fear and sadness. It didn’t feel physical. It was like a wave. The thought of admitting to it with a friend brought up a lot of emotion.

Heavy chest and nervous stomach

Still, heavy, cold, on the chest.

Stomach nerves

Increase in heartbeat. I feel a bit nervous

I just felt like less of a man. Felt no motivation to go to the gym or stay active. It just sucked the life out of me.

Felt slightly disembodied, like numb. Hands got sweatier.

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annoying. depressing. dont feel like a man

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Aaaaah! Feel like exploding.

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Didn’t feel anything

Painful And humiliating. It is something I have surpressed for many years and is quite stagnant. It feels. Like I’m lesss of a man, and i worry people would laugh and joke at my expense. Memories of when I was a teenager! Overall a difficult experience


Tightness is my abdomen

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Feeling tense throughout my body like a sickness.

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My stomach felt something. I think it is anxiety.

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Something in my stomach. I think it is anxiety.

I hate that she feels its about her, she takes it personal and i feel her pain

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Like a heavy weight that I can’t get rid of. A pit in my stomach that won’t go away. A general feeling of despair and hopelessness that I can’t shake.

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