What do you want to change about your porn use? (Part 2)

Less using it to waste time

I want to stop using it as an escape

I want to use it less if it is detrimental to my sex life.

I’m want to rather explore my partner and satisfy my needs through them rather than porn. I want to also not watch porn when bored and rather clean the house :wink:

Want to stop using it before sleep, and to explore different mediums

Less porn

I don’t want to be dependable on porn. I want to experience other things in life than hanging onto porn as my only coping mechanism

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I don’t want to watch porn as a method of coping with stress

I want to feel zero guilt about watch or listening or reading erotic material

i want quit completely

I want to watch porn only when I choose, not compulsively

I’d like to quit completely and change the harsh way I masturbate.

Listen to audio porn during the day

Don’t use it to fight boredom from ADHD. Also get away from video porn.

I don’t want my sleep to be dependent on if I watch porn before bed or not. I don’t want porn to have the grip that it has on my will. I don’t want to rely on porn to be able to get an erection and cum.

Dont use it when i get bored or stressed out

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To use a variety of images and stories. I’m comfortable with the net amount I’m watching. I just want to diversify and stop relying images.

Over relying on porn when bored. Too easy to access so it becomes habit

I think that after 18 years of marriage I use porn to look at women who look the way I like women to look. They have the type of body my wife use too. Now when I look at the petite or athletic women on porn, I am less attracted to what my wife looks like now. I still love her, but I’m no longer sexually attracted to her. I hope stopping porn can help.

I watch corn rarely now, I am in a distant relationship and I used to resort to porn when I’m horny. I thought it was a better substitute rather than cheating on my spouse. I am not exactly sure if it’s a factor but over time, I started having election issues with my spouse. So the first thing I did was to try and eradicate porn, I have not seen significant results but I believe Mojo will help.