Masturbating without porn sometimes
- diversify my self soothing techniques. before watching porn, think about alternatives and maybe choose: eating a cookie, making coffee, going for a quick walk and listening to a podcast or a song i like, calling a friend,…
- watching one film or clip completely instead of opening 10 clips and browsing through them like i‘m doing sloppy research.
- try watching different stuff
- vary the way i masturbate sometimes
- remember that porn ist mostly about the man‘s lust and needs and that it‘s not realistic. it‘s always a scripted scenario and acted. but i think i got this one.
i think these ideas will help me to not feel bad after watching porn!
I’m going to take a break from porn. I was using it most mornings as part of my masturbation, but started to find it boring and kind of gross. I think a break might be healthy.
I dont want to have to watch porn anymore as a solo experience. I want to enact what I see with my partner so it’s not a fantasy
I want to worry less about using porn as a means of an erection exercise and be able to let things happen natrually.
I’d like to choose a healthier alternative to watching porn instead. My porn use has slowed down quite a bit, but I’d prefer not to rely on pornography ever again.
I want to only use porn when I’m horny, not try to use porn to GET horny.
Instead of looking up porn when I’m bored or horny, I want to read and better myself.
The guilt
I dont want to watch porn in the week.
I believe I was addictive at one point, watched it daily; now I watch it on occasion for release and probably stress release. I just want to watch that I am not getting more comfortable masturbating to porn over sex with my wife due to performance anxiety related issues.
I want to use porn less, I want to find ways to cope with stress and to self soothe in other ways than potent imagery’s
I’d also like to rely more on touch and smell and taste to get turned on and to help me cum.
I want I want it to use to enhance the sexual quality of my time with my wife
I don’t watch porn anymore and I feel better for it. However, I still visualize sexual scenarios and use those when masturbating. If I’m with a partner I’m into I don’t need visuals to cum (usually), but if things have gotten stale and predictable, I’ll often resort to visuals to cum. I’d like to rely less on visuals and more on the sensations I’m feeling.
Use it for less time duration, ie wake up at 3am can’t go back to sleep so open porn and can watch it for up to 3 hours.
I want to watch it as less as possible but not completely get rid of it. I don’t know how I would diversify if I’m only interested in big butts and buttholes. I guess I’ll see in time.
I don’t really want to watch porn and haven’t for a year. I always feel incredibly guilty after. I also really love it and it gets out of hand. I feel I have to hide every trace of the fact that I searched it and watched it. I also feel like it has affected my expectations of sex and makes me feel bad because I’m not able to achieve the thing I am watching. I would like to be able to watch it without having these feelings but currently I can’t.
I want to remove using porn as a crutch in my life, I have overused it to feel better and need to eliminate that requirement in my daily life.
Nothing. I have used it, mainly as a resource to inspire physical arousal, allowing me to relax before going to bed, which typically helped.
I need to stop using it as a last resort to help me cum.