What do you want to change about your porn use? (Part 1)

I would like to maybe explore more variety of porn. Especially porn made by women.

When I’m stressed, instead of watching porn I will do some sort of physical exercise or meditation.
I watch a lot of porn when I’m hungover and have got in this habit that it is the only thing getting me out of bed, I want to stop doing this and gain a new hungover ritual.
If I struggle to get an erection during sex, at the soonest point possible I will watch porn and masturbate, I think this is wiring my brain to think that is a routine so I don’t need an erection for sex, as I know I will still finish even if she leaves.
I have this belief that porn and masturbation in general are causing my erection issues, I want to change this belief that it js my anxiety not porn, however porn is causing this anxiety as I don’t like to leave people disappointed and I believe if I have sex with them I will disappoint them, so this js causing my anxiety which therefore means I can’t get it up.

Not to feel guilty about it. To still enjoy my sex life outside of masturbating

I want to stop comparing, avoid all expectations that I wouldn’t see in real life and really see it for what it is…just entertainment. I would actually go as far as to rule it out completely as I prefer to be active in music and fitness.

I want to use porn less regularly, not out of boredom and change fantasies

I want to cum without porn and I don’t want to feel shame if I do watch it occasionally.

Balance coping with other de-stressing activities

I think I just want to limit or decrease my porn use. For more than 10 years it feels like I watch porn most days. I want to continue to masturbate, but use my imagination instead

I want to not feel guilty about watching porn and realise that using porn is not betraying my partner.

I also want to only watch porn when I’m in the mood to do so, and not feel as though I should or shouldn’t be watching it in certain moments.

I want to feel less guilty after watching porn and understand that it’s unrealistic.

Just making sure I’m relieving stress and boredom in a way that fills me up instead of leaving me feeling empty.

I don’t want to change nothing about the use that I have regarding porno.

Watch on occasion when regular sexual activities have been satisfied.

I want to stop using porn as reminder of god old times with my first ex that we explored a lot of firsts together. I feel I never overcame how good our sex life was and need to move on.

I want to not feel guilty and ashamed after I watch porn

I won’t to work on comparing myself to others, and to not worry so much about the fantasies of my partners. I always worry that I won’t be enough because they might have some fantasy that I don’t feel comfortable with or don’t fit into in some way

To stop using porn as an escape from a deteriorated marriage. I want to be able to have control over it and watch open just for fun every now and then and not a habitual 3-4 times a day.

I want to do something else when I’m bored. Not watch porn. I also only want to watch it once a week.

I don’t want to watch any anymore.

Diversify what I watch to get comfortable with other fantasies