What do you want to change about your porn use? (Part 1)

Nothing really. Don’t feel bad about it and I think not watching it at all leads to less sexual build
Up. A few times a week is a good approach for me

Moderation. Not prohibition. I’ve often treated my porn use as the problem in itself so it’s interesting to see it more as a symptom. I definitely have a tendency to use it to procrastinate and relieve stress. I think setting boundaries like no porn during a work day could be helpful but above all, I really want alternative techniques to soothe.

I want to stop watching it

Just to generally cut down on my overall consumption

I used to watch porn daily. I stopped over a year ago and haven’t watched anything since. I’m sure it played some role in development of ED at a young age

I like not relying on it anymore, and I want to be able to use it eventually, with a partner, in the right way.

I watched porn just to release myself and i used to watch it everyday but i want this to stop as i feel i am addicted to it and spend some time in different activities

I watch porn to quickly blow off steam. I do like stuff that is slightly more taboo and not just vanilla. I guess this is the fantasy element that I do not get in the ‘real world’. I can keep an erection when watching porn and I think I will do it after experiencing ED so I feel like ‘right i can still get an erection and cum’.

I do want to reduce porn use as I feel I should be giving all my ‘hornyness’ to my relationship. But then from reading and listening it sounds like porn can be a healthy extra in your life

Slow it down. Watch one video instead of several small bits.

Slow porn down- enjoy one full video, rather than lots of clips

Just to accept I like to watch it to relieve stress

I want to start watching porn a hell of alot less. Go a few weeks at a time, watching it everyday has become to much

Usage reduction

I’d like to watch for inspiration and on occasion for release. I’m generally good about it, occasionally binge, especially if I’m sick or otherwise stuck in the house.

I want to lessen my use of porn down to once a week or once a month.

Not to feel icky after. I have a habit of pulling up many tabs and tons of different pics or clips, and after I feel like my brain was bouncing around too much and not focused at all

I want to quit watching porn as it bothers my current girlfriend. But also i feel like i need those visuals once in a while

Reduce the need to watch it when I am stressed and the guilty feeling afterwards as well as reduce unreal expectations.

I would love to stop watching porn when I feel horny and instead do something productive and get horny when I’m with my girl

When I start watching, I don’t stop till I cum. I want to increase my self-discipline, and give myself the control to stop without having to finish. This also causes me to sleep really late, and I always feel like I’m tired or exhausted.