What do you think about pelvic floor exercises?

Can’t hurt. Seems to stimulate blood flow as well.

I know I am always carrying a lot of tension and stress and I’m looking forward to incorporating more stretching into my regular workouts. I knew it’s good for health overall but didn’t realize it would also improve my erections!

I’ve done pelvic strengthening exercises before. Unfortunately I was not aware that the stretching part is extremely important! I mastered both kegels and reverse kegels but due to neglecting the stretching expect I wasn’t getting the best results possible. It turns out I had a tight pelvic floor causing ED and PE! This was due tonight under developed and weak glutes and shallow breathing. The key for me was learning to belly breathe properly and imaging “breathing into the balls” Sounds funny but it really works! Imagine the balls expanding when breathing in and/or when doing reverse kegels. And when practicing kegels imagine them contacting up into your body. Believe me this stuff is a game changer. I wish I knew about this a decade ago :man_facepalming:

How would you exactly know when it’s strengthening? (Penis softening issue)

Do I try to hold my rock hard erection upright for as long as I can and time it. And see the timing increase as I progress?

Easy to do no matter where you are, so can easily build a regular habit of doing these exercises

Very enjoyable

Not sure about it

They look way but are very exhaustive

Do we actually pulse or just hold and tighten

I feel very well after doing these exercises

Not sure if too weak or too tight… hmmm

I forgot that these were a thing. I read somewhere that doing the kegel while peeing in order to stop and start the flow, helps too

Il try

I’m new to this, I wanna know are there like classes specifically for this? Like yoga class? I think I would be better doing this with others or someone instructing me. I feel silly and think I’m doing these wrong.

Similiar to exercises I have done in yoga classes.

Been putting these off for a while

They’re good the videos just didn’t work

I already knew about some of these

I feel as if committing to this routine is no different that commuting to my gym routine and it’s only going to benefit me! I’m thrilled to learn as much as I am about the pelvic floor and how to make the most of my sexual performance because of it…

It’s very interesting, there’s more to this than long term strengthening and relaxing as I’ve had immediate improvement, perhaps there’s also some mind-body factors as well, like my pelvic floor is healthy but I just need to practice connecting to everything downstairs better. So perhaps there’s a mindfulness or proprioception quality to the exercises as well.

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