What do you think about pelvic floor exercises?

I think I found a key I’ve been overlooking all my life. I’m reading it takes a few months to get it down and see progress but with starting the exercise on day one and feeling this new sensation that I could tap into, in a few months I’ll be ready to go at a moment’s notice, on demand! Lol

I wish the pelvic exercises had a video into component like the stretches. I think I’m doing them right, but not 100% sure.

It’s a tough thing to do. I’m finding it hard to breath out and still keep the pelvic floor tight. Any suggestions?

You hear pelvic floor exercises as being super important for E.D. I want to use them, but I’m not 100% sure if I’m doing the kegels and reverse kegels properly.

I can totally see the importance of these exercises. When I am doing them it’s quite difficult to remember to breathe normally while focusing on doing the stretches correctly and counting, usually end up holding my breath then get pissed and out of sync (Practice makes perfect so keep doing everyday to get better) Good luck

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Love it! Definitely a new sensation down there which is promising for the overall goal

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Good but too many exercises at once

I was a little confused about it all. I did the stretches and the exercises, but I’m not sure if they are meant for tight or weak PFs. Nor do I know which I have. I can assume weak due to my lifestyle, but that’s not the best practice.

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I have to pee at night a lot and have heard that these will help with that so I’ve been doing them on and off but now that I know it can affect erections I’ll be doing regularly

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I think based on the video that my pelvic floor is tight but I’m not sure. I guess I’ll keep going with both stretch and strengthening

Very much like my yoga practice. The Reverse Keg is new though.

How do you definitely know if they’re too tight or not?

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Looking forward to trying this more.

I did them a while ago. they definetly help. no question. helped me back then. glad to get back into it and see more results

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Great idea! Only issue is remembering because of my ADHD…but I’ll do my best :ok_hand:

I agree on the strength test. How do we measure the effectiveness of the exercise?

Perhaps it’s my ability to understand rather than the explanation given, but I find myself questioning how I can get an accurate understand of how strong my pelvic floor is. Stretching is healthy in general, and I entertain the idea of doing so.

How do we measure progress?
How do we accurately determine the strength of our pelvic floor?

First I realize that I was not breathing correctly and it confirmed that I wasn’t stretching enough. I will definitely introduced these exercises in my daily training.

Hoping these not only help me physically, but give me that added confidence.

I’ve experienced pelvic cramping from a very early age and just assumed it was normal growing pains - sometimes when peeing, sometimes when orgasming, and sometimes even just from landing after a particularly high jump! Pelvic floor stretches may be especially useful for me.