What do you think about pelvic floor exercises?

I find it relatively easy to clench the pelvic floor but I definitely have to concentrate on it. Actively relaxing seems to be more difficult for me

Confused on whether my muscles are too strong or weak. If I do the stretching and the exercise won’t it be counterproductive. How do I know which one I need?

This course, and the accompanying exercises, have helped me understand the pain in my groin area I often feel after ejaculating. I once thought this pain to be evidence that I have some physical problem preventing me from getting good erections; but I now realize that, because of my sex-related anxiety, I am actually tightening my pelvic area regularly throughout the day (especially if I’m thinking/worrying about sex). Since realizing this I have tried to relax my pelvic floor a little more throughout the day; and I will work on these exercises, too.

What does the scientific literature say regarding protocols over time?



Seems like a good exercise to try


How do you know you’re not just strengthening your ability to loose an erection? Lol

Seems intriguing and legitimate at helping ease the problem. At the very least it helps take ownership of the problem. I would like more diagnostics as to whether my PF is overly tight or too weak. I don’t seem to have established that in my mind from the exercises available.

During the pulsing exercise I got an erection, this is making me think that during a sexual encounter I could be able to pulse my way to staying hard

I’ll try to add them to my daily routine, but because I don’t really know what changes I should expect to experience, I feel it’s hard to determine whether they will work or not

These muscles are currently pretty difficult to control, which makes me think these exercises will likely help in the long run.

I think they are effective

All my life I constantly would get the urge to pee and especially before getting down in the bedroom. This has made a huge difference and I’m looking forward to the progress.

Haven’t tried but I’m looking forward to doing it in the morning

I like using physicality and breathing to drive sexual performance, its like exercise, I feel that I have some choice and work that I can put in to see then gains

I can honestly say after weeks of doing weighted hip thrusts and incorporating squats into my workout routine twice weekly I actually managed to preform super well. Shame is I fell off and got back in my head but now trying to get back to it while also incorporating these new exercises.

Definitely keen on working on this, great to have the specific stretches to do first

I felt it was a weak test to test of you were tight. I saw no difference in the endurance and power up kegals. Maybe just a better distinction. The streaches were good