What do you think about pelvic floor exercises?

Thank you for the guidance. This has been really a good refresher. I have been doing it sporadically but setting the intention was vital.
I was wondering if you could have more precise support in guidance and a test method to see progress not to be the best but see the growth in us.
For guidance, in the series of exercises , it is not very for how long we have to hold. Like a summative to do after each exercise would be helpful . Eg : hip flexor , hold for 30 seconds. Must have back on the ground etc. Additionally directions as to how we can visit these instructions everyday.
Secondly, a test for us to see what we can do and feel would be helpful. Eg. If in the beginning of the video the person says he cannot feel anything. What does he feel. Saying I feel better doesn’t give me assurance of growth.
Thank you.
Great work.

Feel this can only help in improving. Even if it is strong or weak to begin with, can only aid by nuilding and repeating the exercises to help with the cause of ED

Good to know and try out, it’s refreshing to know about stress related breathing also as I think this could be a factor affecting my erections

They took a bit of getting used to but once I got the hang of it I could feel it working so definitely going to stick at them :+1:t2:

Awareness and control. A lot of my times my pelvic floor is contracted and I never even realized. This helps me to regain control and release

I think they’re awesome, it just goes to show how psychological ED restricts the blood to the penis but the kegels take away that restriction and makes it’s easier to get hard again

I’ve had a few surgeries, and it’s hard for me to stretch very much in these positions. It actually feels good and gets more flexible as I go. I’m assuming that any stretch is better than none correct?

Good thing to think about these muscles too

I think it’s a good habit to get into. I still am not 100% sure I am doing them properly but am committed to trying

I have done them here and there, and have noticed small improvements, but then I would forget to do them and would stop. hoping to keep this up though.

I always did the clinch, tightening the pelvic floor, but I now understand to relax it too - push it as well as clinch it. I will being these opposing exercises

The push is subtle for me, but I do feel it

I wish I knew where I stood atm


Loved it!!

I have worked sit down jobs for years and now that i think about it, it seems like my ED problems have worsened over time since I have worked these office jobs. I didn’t have problems when I was on my feet all day. This makes sense and I will definitely be doing kegals to strengthen my pelvic floor.

Really interesting stuff - my god my I felt some of those stretches - I will be doing more of those!

New to me but no questions at this time

Could r3ally feel the sensation of my pelvic floor will do every day to improve


The sitz bones test showed my pelvic floor doesn’t seem tight and this pelvic routine is insanely easy. I didn’t get much out of this as I’ve been doing kegels for years.