Definitely an effective technique if used long term. Also look into erection mudras
Feels good to target kegels with holds and pulses.
Really not sure I’ve got the reverse ones going in any way
It seems legit
I’m very familiar with breathing exercises but never been introduced to the concept of relaxing the pelvic floor at the same time. I can see this being a good tactic to pull myself out of anxiety during sex
I have no idea if I’m overactive or under. No test for that. Additionally, this is a lot when you’re already busy, and would be helpful to have a tab on the app or something exclusively for these exercises that gives you a way to check a box or something so you can track when you do them/set reminders for doing them, etc
Excited to put these exercises into my daily routine and hopefully see some positive results
It feels goood and I am hoping it can help
I don’t quite really understand what the muscles are
I guess how long would I have to do these to see an improvement bin my erection
These exercises give me hope! I can feel a connection to those muscles increasing!
I agree with a previous comment that there needs to be more tests to know if the pelvic floor even needs strengthening. I make a lot of weight-lifting, so according to this, perhaps I might have tight muscles. But when I did the breathing test, it seems I had some movement on the sit bones etc - so it seems they’re ok.
I feel That I need to do this as doing these exercises make me feel more warm in my pelvic area.
I forgot about them, used to be fairly regular with them, something I need to get back into. the stretching before hand seems impossible to do regularly though
Definitely something new that I’ve never considered or attempted. I feel like a novice on my first attempt but I’ll give it a shot and see what kind of progress is made. I do sit alot for work so maybe these stretches and exercises will help.
Should we do the relaxing and strengthening exercises at the same time or if we believe we have a tight one, we should not do the hold and pulse ones?
how long do you do these before you get real benefit. i can feel a change down below already , more sensation
The video said it would help distinguish whether I have a weak or strong pelvic floor. The following information didn’t do that, it just went straight into exercise routines. How am I supposed to know what to work on?
I have experience with moving my pelvic floor along with my breathing due to being treated for a lingual hernia which thankfully did not end up needing operation. How tired I could feel it getting during the longer stretches of pulsing made me think I really do need to work on it more. Also focusing on the sensation like I’m trying to pee while relaxing the pelvic floor is new to me and seems like it will yield some good results.
Struggling to maintain natural breath during the “hold” period of the pelvic floor, I just want to hold my breath aswell or else I feel I haven’t contracted my pelvic floor enough