What do you think about during the Anxiety-busting meditation?

Man, these are already helping recalibrate a lot physically, mentally, & emotionally.

I enjoy if

Random memories popped in ti my head.

It’s something I need to practice, as I don’t mind it easy

I focused on my breath and noted when my mind wandered.

So sorts of random stuff that came out of nowhere. Some was irrelevant, some was negative, none was positive. Sooo bizarre

It feels good and calm.

It feels good amd calm.

My mind is always racing with random thoughts, sings, self critiques. There is moments during the meditation I get brief relied, I hope I can develop this further

I have actually tried meditation before, but not one where the sole purpose was to promote penile erections! Thought it was all in all quite helpful, if not a bit wishy-washy in some places

Let it wash over you, be patient and trust that being calmer, softer into your day will help with everything. Not just sex, the 8 mins or so of action but with your whole being, allowing you to enjoy the simple things, a sunset, a bird, small things that are so important for realise how small our worries can be. Stay the course, persist, good things will come.

There are moments where my mind will be drawn towards my sexual anxiety, but it mostly just wanders the way minds do.

I started thinking of past girls I had crushes on and some of the activities I did to meet girls.

Its nice that for a moment my brain is focusing in a simple thing rather than millions of thoughts.

I like it but need to ensure I put time to it

Never meditated before mojo but can already feel more relaxed which hopefully leads to less issues in the bedroom

My mind tends to wander around, but more or less I think too much about not lasting long enough to please my partner and ultimately negatively affects my erections in general.

Need to be more consistent with meditation. It does give me great satisfaction knowing that I’m doing proactive work to keep my mental health good

I combine all of the previous meditations. Focus on the body, the breath, visualise me getting a rock hard erection and pounding the life out of my girlfriend. Occasionally the mind wanders on to self doubt and a soft cock but I quickly change the narrative in my head. Positive affirmations. I think im time and eoth consistency this will benefit massively

Its really helpful, especially the visualization meditation. Its true its going to feel forced at first because everything you do for the first time always feels clunky and forced, but repetition is the mother of progress.
During the sexual visualisation meditation, feelings of anxiety, stress and fear come up but i feel in a safe place to explore them its uncomfortable but over time and many meditation sessions later, those feelings lessen in intensity while also increasing my presence in the experience, this in turn activates the parasympathetic nervous system rather than the sympathetic.