What did you learn about your inner critic today?

Yes i think it makes me understand its not me and different so i can disassociate more easily.

Didn’t fit me. Been with me too long already.

Think my critic feels less extreme and more subtle

It isn’t how I realise it in my head, because what I see is a younger version of me with an unclear face. However, the generated image illustrates how my inner critic makes me feel - if that makes sense.

Yeah looks like a wise guy and in fact he wants me to fail to prove a point

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Seeing the image felt a bit strange. But thinking rationally about it, I think it’s a good representation of the weight and shame it makes me feel on top of whatever bad thing already happened, and it’s pathetic. I’m more than that.

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It didn’t. I don’t really see a visual connection to my inner critic
It’s more flashes of sex going badly

Yes felt good to see it

I’m not totally convinced that I really answered the questions right, and certainly didn’t feel the image resonated with me very much. But I do think this might still be useful… I’m open to it for sure.

Struggle to see visual representations to my anxiety

I didn’t see it

It makes some sense, yes.

Wow. This is profound. It will take me some time to digest. My inner critic is an imaginary older brother who I look up to and want to be like who belittles me, tells me I’m not man enough, laughs at my progress, tells me I’m being an imposter and then says, “sorry bro I just want be honest. It wouldn’t be cool to blow smoke up your ass and let you think you’ve got a shot at being a big bro stud like me.” He leaves me feeling defeated and deflated. He gives me , a metaphoric kick in the balls or a gut punch. Wow. This is a really powerful exercise. I feel like I want to punch and kick back and tell this a$$hole to STFU. I’m man enough to knock him out, put myself out there, stare down my demons, get knocked down, get back up and have the life I want.

It really worked for me because the image has down cast eyes and grey lifeless shapes. I have always tried to be a positive, upbeat person and on the outside I believe this is what others see but I have this negative person in me for sure and it is very controlling and I would say even manipulative. It has always been with me but since I have retired and have more time on my hands it is really trying to take over. I have never considered myself to have anxiety problems but recently I definitely have had a lot of anxiety!

It made some sense to me but my inner critic is more of a feeling or a part of me so visualising didn’t help too much

I found it strange

It’s gives me a representation of what it is. It’s not a person to me but helps me recognise what to remember to look for

a little bit, see more as a projection of myself than as a literal being

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It sort of resonated with me. My inner critic is more of a feeling so seeing it visualized feels like a new or different way to think about it, which could be very helpful

It’s weird to see imny inner critic represented visually, but reassuring.