What did you learn about your inner critic today?

How did it feel seeing your inner critic visualized? Did it resonate with you?

Scared me


I had never thought about what my inner critic looks and sounds like, but once I started writing, I realized I had a fairly well-developed idea of what it is that felt natural to explain. That is who it is, and it feels like a step forward to know that.

It’s a difficult thing to swallow, realizing that I do think it is myself, a version of myself. But that also makes sense, so much sense, and I am feeling ever so slightly hopeful in this moment.

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That I can challenge it and beat it

A bit

Made me feel seen

I had never thought that my inner critic wasn’t me

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Since I can now visualise it, it’s made it easier to understand, in turn making it beatable

It was very helpful. Hadn’t thought to personify these negative ideas, but I have a completely new perspective on myself now.

I’ve learned identifying my inner critic can help me how to minimize or eliminate it. Knowing how or when it shows up and how I can begin to practice it’s not real. Just power blank thoughts that don’t mean anything or should not resonate with me.

It helped me to abstract away those feelings to some extent, take a step back.

It did, it scared me. But it resonated.

He wasn’t very scary, honestly it looked to me as if he were someone that could be helpful or could be judgmental depending on circumstance.

It’s good to see the thing I’m trying to battle.

Yes 100%

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My inner critic sees himself as a failure

Yes, Made me feel inferior

Scary, but reassuring to know it’s not the real me and I’m able to control it.

Frightening and frustrating. Awareness of the inner critic but desire to control it.

Not at all