What did you learn about your inner coach?

I can’t access my inner coach

Use inner coach to focus on the positive.

The inner coach is a source of strength, support, and kindness. He counters the arguments of the inner critic.

Assertive strong and powerful

Warm, level, and deliberate

Positive and forgiving

I will concentrate more on my successes even if things aren’t currently going great.

Reflect on the inner coach first ahead of the game.

My inner coach will help me reflect on my sexual relationships and realize that my inner critic simply has thoughts that do not define who I am

My inner coach is confident and calm. He doesn’t resort to harsh words because he knows he’s correct. His logic will outweigh my inner critics doubt and judgement.

My inner coach will bring up facts about past great performances and the fun of sex. Not worry about if my partner will be disappointed. Knowing that when I am able to keep an erection and finish she is happy. It will continue down the bright road and not worry about failure.


Sounds pretty spot on for me as well, thanks for sharing.

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My inner coach is here to help me.

My inner coach is a wolverine.

My inner coach is inside of me and is a confident form of myself

I am my inner coach

Feels good to know someone has my back

onna guys.

Nice to know that someone is out there battling the inner critic, that I’m not alone, and that it’s going to support me

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My inner coach is ready for me rid this demon and is gonna kick this shit to the curb

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