What did you learn about your inner coach?

Il coach é la tua ragione che affiora nei momenti di lucidità

I never knew it was called inner critic. But damn I think I have one. I replay need to spend time to develop my inner coach and this goes for all aspects of my life

My inner coach is based on what’s true. My true healthy sexual relationship with my wife. Not the made thoughts my inner critic feels. The inner critic can do one

Speaking with your partner was a key in me overcoming my inner critic. I spoke with her and told her that i have trouble staying in the moment and i felt like i had to carry the pressure of pleasing her, however after a discussion and a return to this exercise it felt like my inner coach was being supported by my partner. I didnt feel alone when facing my inner critic and that has really helped. Speak with your partners most people are very understanding.

I’ve learnt that my inner critic is getting weaker when my inner coach appears to support. However I need to strengthen my inner coach and get my husband to better understand the situation, so they can support.

I learnt my inner critic thinks it has my best interests but is just too cautious

My inner coach has some work to do. It will be a challenge

My inner coach definitely has work to do but it has brought a sense of calm

I imagined my critic as Dwight Schrute and my coach as Jim Halpert. Jim used humor to completely disregard any silly nonsense Dwight (the critic) tried to throw out. It allowed me to focus on the woman I imagine rather than the ugly critic.

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My inner coach was me at my best and most confident. I could clearly picture myself during a time of my life when I successfully took on some big physical and mental challenges. My inner coach was firm and swiftly shut down the critic’s bullshit with objective truths and motivational statements.

The people who love you can support you even when you’re in different places.

The coach went after the critic for being the cause of what it was making me worry about, and reassuring me that i always have a choice when in situations where i don’t feel comfortable or confident or just desire to have sex

My inner coach was like what I imagine having a supportive big brother would be like. He offered me understanding and constructive solutions.

This was a completely new concept for me. I’m going to try it out more in the future.

I can´t visualize my inner coach yet. For now, he is logical reasoning. I need to work on this more.

Why are we having a forced discussion with AI?

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I believe I need to work with my inner coach in more aspects of my life. My inner critic has been dominant for a long time and it will take practice to gets my inner coach up to speed.

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Will have my coach by my side beat down the weak inner crittic

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That’s what I like to hear. Amen brother

Inner coach needs to be more present and active in my life

I eventually identified the inner coach as a specific positive friend. This helped give it some real influence on me and helped relax me.