What did you learn about your inner coach?

With practice I can stay calm and present

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I struggle to visualise my inner coach and critic. I found it easier to instead think of situations where I have doubted myself or felt. Rather than having 2 cartoon characters fighting it out on my shoulders I focused on those same situations where I have had positive outcomes and used that to build my own confidence and the enjoyment I get from my wife’s reactions

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It felt like having an angel and demon on either shoulder, and having a visual to try and focus on really helps my brain work out what either would say to the other and how that’ll affect me

My inner coach shows up like Mufasa high in the clouds, reminding the whirlwind of negative thoughts around me that while they might be closer, that are not as strong as my inner coach

I’ll picture an opposing force to my inner critic. I’ll imagine them providing counter punches every time I’m allowing the critic to take over

Remember that my inner critic is just that, and not a true or accurate observer. I will remember to listen to my coach more

I need to channel my coach more

I definitely need to bring out my inner coach more however, have always found ‘mind over matter’ situations difficult.
What I think may work for me is reverting back to positive experiences and trying regain confidence that way.
I will definitely try my inner coach to see what effect it has

My Inner Coach is calm and reassuring, reminding my inner critic that I am more than capable of handling the task.

Warm face, friendly persona. Encouraging attitude. Rooting for me- pardon the pun.

My inner coach is Gandalf

My inner coach brings out the best qualities of myself. It reminds me that I got this, it’s encouraging, cheers me on, supporting

It reminds me of a devil and an angel popping up on one’s shoulder in old animations. That the coach can argue, support and push us further.

I struggle with this type of self-analysis and even laugh at some of these exercises, but I’m trying to put that to one side and really let down some macho walls and open up to myself.

Felt weird but also kind of cool imagining what they would look like.

Felt a bit empowering to see the counter voice as a coach as I’ve used those techniques in settings with others

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I want to pay more attention to my coach and ask him to help me more often on a daily base

Aaa… it’s good to know he’s there. I’ll give him more chances to try and quiet my inner critic

I’ll try to give my inner coach the respect and space it needs to support me

Looks like Lewis Hamilton on that new Ferrari picture. But he’s there to reassure that things can go well