Trying viagra once made things worse

My issue is that I had intermittent psychological ED. However I tried viagra once recently. Ever since my penis feels almost rubbery and my ED issues even when masturbating are 10x worse. I can’t find anything online about this type of things. My dose of viagra was so small and the half life is like 4 hours. So it doesn’t make sense why it’s causing me issues a week later.

Has anyone else had this type of experience?

Yeah can relate. Met someone I really like and had ed issues. Didn’t panic and ordered viagra and didn’t make any difference. Took a large dose too!
Don’t usually have issues with ed, but am used to random hook ups so maybe an intimacy thing.
Smoke a lot of weed. Not been a problem before but read it might effect how viagra is metabolised.
I’m trying no fap, waiting for blood test results and thinking of quitting the weed.
Don’t know it that helps at all.
Best of luck man

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