To what extent are sexual fantasies part of your life and relationships?

I fantasise quite a lot so I am thrilled that I am asked to fantasise some more to get better.

Prior to starting the Mojo course, I only used fantasies to maintain an erection and, ultimately, finish sexually. While, I see the power in fantasy, my over reliance on it probably caused more harm than good between my partner and I. Going forward, I will try to be less reliant on fantasy and edit any I do hang onto to only “Star” my wife and I.

I am usually always single, so they have been a big part of my life. Now with wax and wane, and improving my arousal - they are more important than ever. I enjoy creating them and I can live that life in my head and not feel the pressure or need to be that guy irl. It’s great.

Sometimes fantasies are part of my life but definitely not enough. Me and my partner have tried one or two but it has been limited what we do although we are both open to trying things. I’d like to build up a wider range of fantasies in my head and also try out a few more with her.

I cannot come without feeling humiliated, usually through a cuckold scenario.

When I am not having consistent sex. I do often have dreams of certain fantasies that keep me aroused.

I’ve neglected them for years, assuming they’re just for teenagers or something

I do fantasise and will be using more now that I have learned that’s what will help me

I’ve shared a tiny bit and she’s shred a few of hers but certainly we have not dived deep into our private fantasies. I would like to have a bigger bank of fantasies. At the moment mine are pretty limited.

I used to fantasise all the time but seem to have lost the habit and now it doesn’t come easily. Need to practice more.

I fantasize all the time and feel as though I rely on fantasies a bunch, but I want to be clearer with my relationship with my sexual fantasies. I think they work really well in terms of getting me horny, but I think I also carry some shame with them as they are of past experiences that could have happened or did happen and the fantasies don’t include my current partner. I think it would be good for me to work on accepting my fantasies as healthy tools and not concrete actions of infidelity.

Not a lot, because we have kids.

Not very extensively. I tend to fantasize about things I know ill probably never experience.

I’d like to add to my bank quite a bit. I don’t have a lot of fantasies. When erection issues started, I stopped thinking about sex.

I’ve shared some of my fantasies with my wife, which overall was a positive experience. I do keep some fantasies to myself. In this respect I would change very little to the current situation

I’m fantasise a lot at university about girls in my class or who I see - I often talk to one of my friends about all the stuff I want to do to a certain person and he tells me the same

They’re not a big part of my life but I want to try and develop some!

i’m dating a girl and she’s pretty good in bed. Actually it’s porn star style and I consider myself very lucky since she’s also very loving and loyal. At the same time we’re both fantasizing about having a threesome since she’s into women as well. We’ve been talking about it and it seems like we need to work our way up to it. For now she’d be into kissing someone with me and that’s great news for me imho :ok_hand:t2:

Me too. Anyone else with experience with this? I fantasize and feel okay about it but it does make me feel a bit jealous knowing she might do the same even though it’s normal and healthy. I guess i just worry about not living up to her standards or otherwise being inadequate.

I use fantasies but sometimes they make the problem worse as they take me away from the moment and add to my stress about getting an erection.