Stopping porn today - wish me luck!

I’m on day 2 of using Mojo and got curious about the effects porn might have on my sexuality. So I checked the community forum on the topic (thank you all for sharing so candidly, it’s so helpful), and it seems many of us came to the same conclusions: porn ramps up our anxiety to perform and makes us feel inferior when we look down at our dicks :pensive:

I use X to access porn, which I’m sure is very common, and it just became like a routine, like checking insta or emails. There, I did end up following guys with huge dicks, always having group sex and so on… and I’m realising now that it fuels an unrealistic fantasy that I can’t, and shouldn’t aim to recreate :no_entry:

I also detest Ellon Musk, so deleting X will feel very good! Wish me luck, join me in the porn ban and let’s see if we can last :crossed_fingers:t2:


Right there with you, just a few days in. We got this :muscle:t2:


I have deleted X too feel like it was having an effect on my anxiety about how I should perform and was checking everyday to see if there was any new porn. It was like an addiction

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Wish you well my friend. It has helped me a lot. But also increased shame for a long period of time. I’m a bit concerned by the erotic stories on this app. They seem like angry porn to me.
What do you think ?

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So 14 days have gone by, and it’s been ok for me. How is it going for you?

How is it going since?

Hey, I’ve tried one so far, was fun! I think I much prefer audio which doesn’t ramp up my anxiety about body image. But also trying to masturbate without anything, just my thoughts… and it’s been good I must say. I’m 2 weeks in without X, enjoying it so far! How is it going for you?

14 days in - all good from here! Not really missing porn at all. Let’s see how it feels in a few more weeks!

Sometimes I get the urge to watch, but it goes away fast. I haven’t watched any since I last posted here! I think eventually I watch every once in awhile to help with mindful masturbation. I actually used an external site to listen to erotic voice recordings with mindful masturbation and I got the hardest I have ever been in recent memory, more so than when I used to masturbate habitually.

Great m8, it is really good decision. I can promise you if you keep it up you will feel and perform beter. Keep in mind it need some time to start working and craving will be high at start. Good luck

Same dawg, we’ll see it through!