Reprogram your negative thoughts exercise

My partner is definitely upset by my losing my erection. I continue to touch her to climax and she is still upset - threatens to divorce me. She wants the “full experience”. This is a build up over this past year in particular.

The last few times I’ve had sex I just feel I’m not completely hard as I worry I’m not going to last long enough so I’m almost scared to go fully hard as I think I’m going to cum quickly so it almost feels safer in my head to be only 3/4 hard so I’ll last longer, I just want to feel confident enough to be able to maintain an erection and last longer, hopefully this programme and all the tools will help me do that


Why did I lose my erection, I need to get it back. This is embarrassing. Why can’t o get it back?

Actually, I was very hard right away and stayed hard for a while. It was only when we moved away from foreplay that I lost the erection which was likely a mental state of mind.

During foreplay, everything is fine and we are enjoying ourselves until we get naked and start playing with eachother, thats where i lost my erection, the moment my partner grabbed me. So my erection kept coming and going all night, whether they touch it or not. I think to myself, omg this is not good, they are gonna think im not into them, or im not good enough to satisfy them. I overthink it and make it bigger than what it is, i over generalize it, making it a continuous thought in my head. I disqualify the positivity all night long, and keep myself stressed. But then i realize to myself that my partner actually liked what we did today, they didn’t complain or anything, plus we were drunk, so the alcohol didn’t help at all.

That I can, and should, be much more active in sex. I shouldn’t become completely passive on pleasuring myself to get and maintain an erection.

Not feeling horny immediately & inviting a girl over isn’t a strange thing it requires me to actually be into her and want to have sex

I am certainly my worst critic. The first time it happened it really affected me and I think I developed a mental blockade that didn’t let me get pass it the following times. I really stress about performing well during sex and to be honest I have a pretty bad self image that makes me think that nobody would want to have sex with me so when it’s about to happen I can’t believe it so I feel like that makes it go away I’m

Last time we went at it, she initiated which is rare and something she’s been feeling more confident about. Unfortunately, I wasn’t in the same zone. But since it doesn’t always go down, I felt like I should jump at the opportunity. I should have just been honest with myself because I couldn’t get hard for very long. Like I was losing interest. She didn’t like the way that felt and we both got frustrated. Being honest with her and myself shows more courage and that leads to confidence. I should remember that. Life is long and my sex life with my wife is far from over…

I can re-program the thought: if I don’t cum or stay hard every time, my partner will leave me.

I haven’t been horny with my partner and I have not been getting hard so that means I will never want to have sex again

This happen multiple times and i know the girl wanted to have a good time but I things didnt turn out the way we both wanted it to turn out because for some reason I wasn’t in the moment. I keep wondering if I was going to get hard and stay hard. I try blaming her by saying in my head maybe she is not exciting me enough

The why I think of something didn’t go write and remain positive

Last time we tried to have sex I didn’t get hard.

Every time I want to have sex I’m afraid to initiate because I’m sure I won’t get hard. Even if I take something I won’t. She’ll be disappointed and feel undesired by me.

It’s not every time I don’t get hard. She is understanding for the most part.

I put too much pressure and focus too much on maybe I won’t, if I don’t think about it maybe I will be able to

I worry that my partner is going to be mad or upset, that I can’t do exactly what they want.
I’m catastrphising because of a partner who treated me terribly in the past, and I know now that it is not ok or normal to be treated that way.

Nothing to share now

Last time my partner was here, I had trouble staying hard enough to fully have sex.

Negative thoughts: im annoyed and upset that this is happening again. Why does this happen to me every time? (Over generalizing)

It hasn’t happened every time, I have had many great experiences when im relaxed and ready for it. I was in a high stress state that week and a lot on my mind. We can take our time. The time will come.

Even though I cannot currently get naturally hard or maintain an erection does not mean it will always be that way.

I couldn’t get hard during foreplay and it was so frustrating. Once I completely relax everything works fine. The anxiety is what creates the issue.

Fortune telling… Arranging sexual encounters causes anxiety because I predict there might be a problem.