Reprogram your negative thoughts exercise

I felt like I was going to get hard but the realized wasn’t yet, not even a little bit. That just depressed me at that moment. And I started fortune telling, thinking. “It’s not gonna happen tonight “

I be thinking since I can’t get hard, she will find someone else who will

I had a girl over and I lost my erection and I felt very embarrassed
It came back eventually, but then I lost it again

I lost my erection because I saw an email come from work and it spooked me, then I couldn’t get going again

That it’ll happen every time I have sex with a new girl for the first time; I’m fine after the first failure as my mind and body gets over the initial pressure then. I’m fully capable of getting an erection and enjoying sex, so I know it’s purely just overthinking and nerves the first time. My last ex took it very personally, which made me feel bad as though I’d done something wrong and failed as a man and a boyfriend. But this was due to her insecurities, and she was judging herself harshly, not me.

I shouldn’t bother trying to have sex since I won’t get hard anyway.

  1. I am losing erection at the time of foreplay
  2. I am having difficulty in finding the vagina opening location

I have just ended a 16 years relationship in which I honestly never had erection issues, but together with my partner we both used to cum quite early. Now… I’m moving into new experiences with a new woman, and I believe that the “fear” of coming too soon and not giving her “pleasure” is making me not staying hard as soon as we are about to approach sex. Is all fine in foreplay, but already for multiple times as soon as penetration is approaching… I completely loose it. So I’m well in the loop of thinking it’s never going to happen and she will move on. But she keeps saying is ALL FINE - and she LOVED playing around so far. Is actually very normal as I’m going through so much shit and major life changes

Somtimes i dont seem go get as erect or have a hard time getting a erection, possibily due to medication, that gets to my head and makes me think im going to go soft with my girlfriend, or that i wont be able to get sex when i want to.

That has been proven untrue recently because when the medication effect goes off im back to normal erections so its just me getting too worried because of past negative experiences

I get myself so much stimulated during the day on my phone that I want sex and I don’t control my ejaculation, lead to shame and frustration. It’s a circle because I don’t know better

Words themselves have no power. It is actually me who gives them power… So, in reality I am actually very strong and have a lot of power to control things. That is a skill I should be proud of and just need to use properly

For the last few months, I have been having issues getting/staying erect with my girlfriend. She is beautiful and very attractive and I fear that things will never get better. She says she doesn’t love me any less which is reassuring. I want to believe things can get better but it’s difficult right now when I’m in the middle of it

It has happened again is this the end of my sex life

I always assume that if we don’t have sex, my wife will be frustrated, disappointed, or angry. This is the exact opposite: she is always understanding and comforting. She is on my side, she wants me to overcome this, and I need to actually internalize this. My mind will always assume the worst and that I’m disappointing her, but she even told me I need to be easier on myself. I am very good at being encouraging to other people, and now I need to do the same toward myself.

I’m reprogramming the negative thought of that women I sleep with will think less of me if I can’t maintain an erection. I am learning to be comfortable with the fact that I won’t necessarily know the truth, and whether they are disappointed or not doesn’t actually matter. Guys of all ages and backgrounds can struggle with maintaining an erection, and if I struggle to do the same on a specific night, it’s not a failure or success, it just is.

I’m reprogramming the negative thought of that women I sleep with will think less of me if I can’t maintain an erection. I am learning to be comfortable with the fact that I won’t necessarily know the truth, and whether they are disappointed or not doesn’t actually matter. Guys of all ages and backgrounds can struggle with maintaining an erection, and if I struggle to do the same on a specific night, it’s not a failure or success, it just is.

Recently, my past sex experiences have all been stressful as I’m battling my inner thoughts that are letting me know that I will not be able to get rock hard going forward. It seems like a physical dysfunction as I always felt that I had great sex drive.
However I could still please my last partner and she came.
I will work on it, I need to find a solution to this.

She isnt going to want to fool around at all if I cant get it up

I felt like I let my partner down agin because I couldn’t get an erected during fore play.
But last week I didn’t have any issues and we had great sex and a lot of it.

Everyone is going to know. I fear that I’ve had enough bad experiences in the same city that people will eventually connect the dots and talk about how limp i am all the time. But I have no evidence of it happening even though I know two of the people are friends. But even they don’t represent the whole city and for one, I was just not interested and another I was looking for excuses right away to stop. I should have just stopped

If I don’t penetrate my partner he is unsatisfied and will leave me.