Reprogram your negative thoughts exercise

I get anxious at the thought of sex, it terrifies me that im so inexpwrienced and past times, i couldnt achieve penetrative sex, my problem is not getting hard, during oral sex im fine but when it comes to penetrative sex i get scared of consequences, and i cant maintain erctions, and i feel like i dissapoint my partners

My girl got me hard during foreplay and when we started having sex I lost my erection while inside her and i felt defeated, felt like I disappointed her and felt like less of a man.

Facts: She was very understanding and knows that this is normal to happen. She did not show disappointment or being upset. She reassured me that I am not less of a man and I need to relax and get out of my head. After we relaxed I got hard and we had sex again. It is clear my problems are psychological and I will continue to work on my mindsetand overcome these obstacles. Whenever I am in the zone and relaxed everything always goes well.

My wife has been disappointed before and won’t want to have sex with me again. So I don’t bring it up because I don’t want the rejection. But when I raised the issue later, she let me know she was open for sex and we had a good experience.

I really enjoy pleasing my partner, but she has never experienced an internal orgasm, only external through clitoral stimulation and I wish to penetrate her but have not been able to get a full erection with her yet. she enjoys giving me oral sex and having me cum, but lately i haven’t been able to achieve an erection in order for her to bring me to orgasm, let alone attempt penetration.

I have gotten hard before and it doesn’t break the cycle if I can’t get it up every time.

Emotional reasoning I felt that I drop the ball at door when it was time to do it but it got back hard as she continued to give oral

This morning I struggled to cum with my partner before work. I had to close my eyes and imagine various fantasies. Distracted, the feeling left my dick for a while.
But! I’d had bad blood sugars overnight (type 1 diabetic) and am only new to Mojo. I’ve made small improvements already. If I can keep it up, I will be able to improve my focus during sex.

Had an encounter recently which was time sensitive, and I could not get hard during it. Sometimes I will go down on a girl or use manual stimulation as a way to get over some of my negative thoughts “So-and-so won’t like me if I can’t bring them pleasure”. This girl, though, she doesn’t respond well to oral or manual play which made it harder for me to challenge this thought, enjoy the experience, and get hard.

I am getting performance anxiety with my wife during her fertile window for conception. I am putting a lot of pressure on myself to be able to have sex during this small window of time.

That i will never have an erection or sex again. Its happened before, and I’m doing the work, so it could happen again in time.

I always struggle with the first time with solemne because I get anxious. I couldn’t mantain an erection, but I give pleasure and receive it.

I get so much performance stress. It had happened in the past and I have solve it. I can make it again and learn how to relax to have a good first sexual encounter and feel free to meet new people

I don’t understand why I have lost the ability, I used to have such strong erections and now I feel like I’m underperforming for my partner I want to perform well for her and show her what I can do but I keep going soft

I’m a failure because I can’t get it up when my partner is ready to go. Its more likely im all or nothing on this, and I have gotten it up before

That she expects me to do all these things and that ill let her down if I can’t perform

I couldn’t get hard in a group setting. I was afraid they wouldn’t invite me back, or think I wasn’t interested in them. I was able to satisfy my partners in other ways, and they did in fact invite me back, so my mind reading was inaccurate, and even if my dick won’t cooperate, I know I still have more to offer a partner.


I couldn’t get hard for intercourse but I know my ability as a love maker and how good I am at sex. Need to relax and enjoy.

I need to be perfect and perform exceptionally every time.

On a brand new date and couldn’t get it up in the morning cos I was nervous , I had to play it down and Saif she was nervous which made me nervous

We had sex the night before and I was fine tho

I just got in my own head and couldn’t get out

I always go soft when I go to put a condom on. I don’t think I can stay hard for more than 10 seconds.

The feeling: those 10 seconds feel like ‘go, go, go’ and an immense bit of pressure. Suddenly thoughts such as ‘are you putting it on right’ ‘oh no you’re a bit soft’ ‘she’s already prepping, it better work’, ‘she’s ready, I have to perform’

The reality: We can take our time a bit more. Condoms aren’t scary things. You’ve put them on before and had great sex. You’ve practised in your room in the past and worked ok. They’re not the best but they are still pleasurable and something to just keep you safe. You can still get them on if you aren’t absolutely rock hard. Just relax.