Lose erection right before penetration

Was with a girl the other day, everything is going fine but right as I’m putting a condom on, I lose my erection Hella quick I try touching it myself and it doesn’t work, a minute later she’s touching it and I’m back to hard, go to put a condom on and the. Immediately soft again idk why this happens? Anyone else?


I’ve been there man, it’s very frustrating…… I’ve been on mojo for a while… and I’d say this is the most common issue…. So you are not alone.
Box breathing, meditation, getting out of your head… will get you there. It does for me.
Also… pre-open the condom pack… can be tricky to open in the heat of the moment…

Thank you for this!

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Have the condom handy and ready to go. Don’t fumble around trying to find it etc. if she’s giving you head have the condom literally unwrapped in your hand

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It sounds kind of silly but practicing getting hard and then putting a condom on while masturbating also helps. Trick is to stay in your body while doing it, my brain would always shift into procedural “Oh shit lets get this on quick” mode. Take your time and make putting it on a sensual experience which you’re well practiced at.


Bless you! My gf that a hysterectomy and we’ve been tested and clean. I can’t stay hard and that’s without trying to put a condom on.

Just don’t wear a condom

This happens to me pretty often too! I can usually go in raw just fine but as soon as I’m putting a condom on, just flatline

Like someone else said about practising putting a condom on whilst masturbating.
I found incorporating it into your fantasy of sex helped me with this issue

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have her put the condom on.
I had an ex that was able to put it on so sneaky that it didn’t interrupt anything and I didn’t even realize it was on.