a bunch of guys with dick issues being so open.
I’m new to Mojo, was a bit dubious about it at first but it’s been great so far. Seeing a lot of people joining in on discussions and seeing people in the same/similar situations to yourself really is reassuring. Add the success stories on top of it and it really is making me feel like it will help me out.
I opened up to my partner last night, told her that I’d signed up and she showed a lot of interest in it, I even showed her the daily tasks that day. Explained what’s made sense so far and what’s resonated with me.
She was really pleased that, for once, I’m doing something for myself (which was nice that she said that because it is for her as well). I am usually fantastic at noticing poor mental health/unhealthy behaviours but even better at doing absolutely nothing about it to better myself.
So yeah, first week on Mojo, some better behaviours coming from it already. No sex just yet but enjoying each others company more, more touch, more kissing, better conversations about things and working better as a team to parent our kids.
So far, so good. Hopefully it gets even better!