I was having lots of issues with psychological induced ED last week and got into a horrendous rut of negative talking. The last 2 days I’ve managed a total of 2 sessions with my GF at about 50 minutes worth of penetrated sex. I found what helped me was her being very open when I told her I’d lost a bit of confidence. And at the beginning of both sessions I lost my erection due to thinking about it. She helped me and just talked to me and took my mind away and then proceeded to aggressively kiss me and we got into the moment together and it was fine. It’s almost as if now I feel extra comfortable with her if I go soft (only been together for 2 months) and I felt due to it being a fairly new relationship that was not helping. The box breath is a good exercise and so is just being very open with my partner on this topic. Thanks mojo for not making me feel alone!
Heck ya man! Sounds like you have a great partner. Keep her around!