If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

I’m hoping to build on getting out of my head. I’ve so far really appreciated the inner coach lesson and also the 5 sense exercise; I want to learn how incorporating mediation will help me get and maintain hardness.

Whenever I’ve gone a meditation streak (say, every day for a week or two), it became much easier for me to identify the sensations and emotions in my body as they arise, and not let them overwhelm me. I’d like to reintegrate meditation into my life, as I think it will be a crucial part in overcoming my performance anxiety and, more broadly, my negative attitudes about seuxality.

I’d like to be able to relax and refocus easier. Just to deeply think about what I need at any given time and work to do it.

Hoping to be aware of my negative thought patterns more often

I’ve been using the meditations offered by Mojo and they definitely calm me down. It’s still kind of early and I require more practice but I can see how this helps multiple aspects of the life including sex with a partner.

I’m hoping I’ll be more able to identify and deal with negative thought patterns when it comes to sex

Mediation had helped slow my thoughts down and bring a sense of stillness in my overall being. This feeling of stillness last a couple of hours. Also, I found if I mediate in the morning I can focus better at work.

Never mediated but I’m thinking too much rather than letting my body take over. Sex is a battle my head :frowning:

I have tried meditation in the past but didn’t really feel any impact. At the time I believed that it was because I already had fairly low stress, but it could have also been because I was expecting results a bit too quickly. I’m hoping that on this go I’ll have more patience and won’t see it so much as a chore.

I have tried but never been consistent

Better erections, concentration and productivity

I need meditation to help me relax and get into my body more during sex rather than focusing on the negative thoughts.

Manage negative thoughts

I’m hoping for a reduction in anxiety and elimination of panic attacks related to sex. I’m a long term catastrophic thinker with ADHD, so meditation has always been difficult for me.

When I had my first bout with ED a few years ago, I went straight to Viagra with mixed results. Ultimately it was mindfulness meditation that helped get me back in the groove. Unfortunately, once things started clicking I gave up the practice leaving me vulnerable to relapse. This time around I’m looking to make long term changes that break this self fulfilling prophecy.

I am hoping to improving my erections and helping me. Enjoy happy sex life with my wife. I have tried meditation but not consistently so hoping to be consistent

When I joined mojo 1 year ago it helped me massively to the point I no longer needed it. However after an unfortunate event I had to comeback to use it again for its great help

Hoping to learn new techniques, never tried meditation before but have been curious about it

I metidate daily since three years

It relaxed me but I did not stick with it to see longer results