If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

I haven‘t tried it before in the sexual context, but I am very willing to do so. I‘m sure it has huge benefits, also in the bedroom.

Meditation has helped me be more calm and even treat my partner better.

meditation helped me focus in cgatic situations like work and school

in revisiting meditation techniques here i hope establish a daily practice

My mind starts racing and goes to negative thoughts about not performing before a partner comes. I’m hoping meditation will help clear my mind in these situations

I’ve started doing meditation regularly many years ago and kept it up, even before I began noticing my performance anxiety being an issue. So it’s helped my in many areas of my life, though I’m not sure if it necessarily helped with ED, but now that I am more conscious of my ED, I think I could help.

I mean… i’m just starting. But in the past, I have tried this, and the effect was that I was so focused on calming down that I wasn’t getting excited or turned on. happy to try again though.

A way to assess and combat my inner critic. To realize negative thoughts have been ruling my life for a long time and learn how to control and dismiss them. Hopefully this will all contribute to better sexual performance.

I wasn’t really capable of doing meditation as I am always distracted by thoughts, but I am keen to learn it properly to improve my mental health and my sexual well being

Daily meditation has drastically improved my ability to focus and the techniques I practice have quickly become automatic responses to stressful situations.

I haven’t really tried meditation before, so I look forward to the benefits it will bring. The biggest thing I believe meditation will do for me, is quiet all the inner critic and help me be more focused on the present.

I’ve meditated for years but fall off when I’m most stressed and need it the most

I’m hoping it’ll help me stay out of my head before sex.

Calming my brain from the crazy amounts of stress that encompass it daily as a parent and multiple areas that I generate income. Get a handle on the constant concern over things.

I have never meditated but look forward to trying it.

I’m want just to be happy with myself. I know objectively Ive been very successful and people can like me but I’ve hated myself for a very long time and rip myself apart incessantly

I have meditated before and things I want in my life but never for sex so here we go.

Meditation has helped me slow down my mind. To improve the observation of my thoughts and allow the energy of those thoughts to pass through me rather than remain stuck where they accumulate feelings over time.

I’m hoping to get out of my head and increase libido

It calmed my mind, relaxed me, helped me to sleep, and made me feel more focused if I did it in the morning

The confidence in bedroom meditations helped me the most. I had a certain problem in my head and this helped me to figure it out. Now I feel much more better. I keeep doing the meditations, and I’m overcoming the issue step by step. I’m so grateful for that.

I think you should do more of these, also some guided visualisations and affirmations practice would be great.