If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

Meditation has helped me live in the now and to take time and “smell the roses” to truly experience the present.

I haven’t tried meditation

It’s definitely helped me be more present and in my body, which relaxes me and allows me to focus on the sensations I’m feeling instead of worrying about whether I’m hard enough or disappointing to my partner. Meditation even helps me control my orgasms at times by allowing me to redivert my focus to another area of my body like my breath. It’s been a great tool for quieting my monkey mind.

Meditation slows things down and helps me stay in the present

Meditation helps me turn focus from my negative inner critic who works overtime in every area, not just sexually and to turn the attention to what is real.

it has helped me to stay in the present moment and not be a victim of my thoughts overall. I think meditation has been so helpful but really has been something where consistency has been the problem

I have been meditating for years already and it has made me the man I am today. To separate thoughts connected to past experiences and future fears from who I am here and now has shown me my own power and I know I can use to help create the sex life I deserve, one that includes pleasure for me and my partner.

Ive never really meditated before. The box breathing certainly has a positive impact on making me feel more calmed and relaxed. I regularly notice my thought wandering, including during any sexual activity. At least recently. Identifying the inner critic and wandering thoughts feel somewhat empowering. Im hopeful that learning to meditate will help me learn to gain some control of some of this.

Ive meditated in the past and feel it helps in many ways but never connected it to sexual performance. Hoping I can resume the practice and link the two for a better outcome by reducing or eliminating the flight or fight response i get into before sex

I haven’t seen it help in the bedroom yet but, interestingly enough, my mind tends to wander into sexual thoughts during meditation, which leads to arousal. I probably need to decouple those so I’m not dependent on it but it’s good to know that I can get back to normal with this practice.

I’ve never really been able to commit to meditation in the same way I struggle to commit to taking vitamins, stretching and flossing. It’s something I know would be better for me, but the discipline to do it is where I struggle. I’ve never really connected meditation to sex, they don’t necessarily seem like things I want to do at the same time but I can definitely see how learning to control my thoughts would help in staying in my body during sex.

Meditation gives me a calming sense and the ability to just watch my thoughts but not cling to them.

Meditation can allow your mind to be free for moment and the. Focus your energy on the pleasure at hand.

Iv’e never done it.

Medication has helped me realize how out of control my mind was for quite sometime. It helps
Me take a break from the craziness of work days and just be at piece with my thoughts and breath

I used the affirmations i was taught to in this to relax and had the best wank iv had in years. I truly relaxed and didnt care whether i was hard or not. I truly enjoyed it. Thank you.

It’s been helpful in the past and something I come back to now and again when needed.

I’ve barely tried meditation but can agree that my mind is way more busy than it should be!

I am so easily distracted and pulled of course, I fear that meditation won’t work for me. I will try, but I used to do mindfulness and I have difficulty focusing on that now.

Flexing the meditation muscle helps me practice how to silence the inner voice and just be present, which is the same sort of mind skill needed to get the inner critic to shut up during sex and just enjoy the sensations