If you’ve tried meditation, how did it help?

Hoping to stay mor focused during sex using meditative techniques

Hope to feel less stressed

I hope to feel more in control of my thoughts and feelings rather than being overwhelmed by them

Meditatio has helpe me get some relief and focus back to my life, but i struggle with the consistency piece. I have experienced how amazing it could be but Consistency and direction of my meditation I struggle with.

Meditation helps me regulate my breathing, clear my head and prepare for the day ahead

Chage in mentality

Sounds like an exciting concept to me. I’m very aware that a huge part of my erectile issues are a consequence of over thinking, conditioned anxiety and a cycle of doom that I struggle to interrupt. Would love to learn techniques that re programme this!

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Help my stability and regulate my stress response

Calm brain

I want to re-centre my life

It did help me observe my racing mind

It helps me collect and organize my thoughts and also stop from generating so many new ones

When I practice mindfulness I feel clearer for the whole day. It feels like when I go to the gym and have energy after hard workout; like a mental workout.

To find a wayto get out of my head & be present. To eliminate my negative thoughts about me.

Be present in the moment, calm my anxiety. Stop me catastrophizing

I tried meditation on Mojo app, and I believe they were very helpful. I particularly liked “Letting go of the past” when it teaches to substitute 1 negative thought with 3 positive.

Better able to identify and modulate negative thoughts about performance

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Be more present

More awareness

I’ve done a but of meditation in the past so I am aware of the benefits. I would like to become more consistent and make it meditation a daily or even just a regular part of my life to gain the benefits outlined in this lesson