I’m laughing cause I didn’t FEEL like I needed to fart but when I was doing this exercise, I ACTUALLY farted. Shit had me DYING:rofl:
Fart city
Lying on my side and trying to fart helped me do a reverse kegel
Just done it by sitting I did try the other way but sitting was more efective
Breathing though the crotch
Like youre trying to sit on your taint.
Brilliant, just the hint I needed!
The gif was very useful.
The description was key to understanding a movement I’ve done before but didn’t realise it was a reverse kegal
It’s like pushing my balls out
Like pushing a fart out lol
Like pushing out a fart
GIF useful. Downwards pressure
Like sending an imaginary elevator down from your stomach to your butt
Same exact sensation as when I am pushing in order to pee (or poop), but not too much or else it could really come out (better doing it with an empty bladder - eventually with an empty intestine too -, then I can push and feel it more).
Visualising pushing out a fart helps as I breathe in helps.
Definitely feel the exercise working on the pelvic floor, pelvis area underneath the stomach and around the anus
Definitely visualising a fart helps
Pushing out a fart is the key