I still have a hard time identifying a belly breath. Not sure if I am doing it “right”.
Pushing out a fart definitely helps
The fart sensation lol
Pushing out a fart
Pushing out a fart
I hate to say it but the fart helps
Like I had to fart lol
A downwards force in my groin
Like pushing out a poop
Relaxation on the inhale, pushing slightly outward and relaxing into that slight tension as you exhale and fully relax.
Deep inhale and guide the pressure from upper stomach to pelvic floor (or to butthole), like a wave, that was it for me
It’s like pushing out a fart or increasing the flow of urine while going.
Feels like trying to fart for sure, lying on your side helps so much (for some reason I can’t do it sitting upright)
I can do it sitting and lying sideways but definitely feel it more lying sideways
Pushing out a fart and reliving tension
Imagine that your butthole is tied to your breath, when you reach the bottom of your breath it pulls a string that’s attached
Trying to poop when you’re constipated
It’s like pushing out a fart, feeling the breath move through your body to your butt