How would you describe the sensation of a Reverse Kegel?

How many reverse kegels should I do daily

like expanding a balloon lol

like a continuation of your diaphragm that engages the genitals

I see no one has responded I would attempt to do them at any time you have a free moment to do so. Its a discreet kind a exercise you could do almost anytime.

I imagined a string from that region to the bottom of the earth and let all stress flow down that string

Pushing out a fart is exactly how I needed to hear it :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Fart analogy is great

The acting like I pushed out a fart worked

The fart analogy was probably the best

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I felt the muscle, but yeah like a fart is accurate

Fart apology and lying on side helped me feel it more

Putting your fingers on your arse hole as you breath in helps to feel the pelvic floor lower ( relax )

Pressure down with a tight stomach

I know everyone is saying this, but it is the same sensation as pushing out a fart

Same movement as pushing to take a dump

Like you’re releasing to go pee (do not do when you need to pee…)

Blowing a bubble with my guiche

It feels like a forced relaxation of the muscle used to squeeze an erection harder
