How would you describe the sensation of a Reverse Kegel?

Directing air to blow up a balloon

I found that breaking down the movement into belly breathing and the pushing out a fart separately helped. Practicing them in isolation before combining them created a much stronger mind muscle connection

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Iโ€™ve been struggling to understand the reverse kegel for the past weeks. The visuals and ยซ pushing out a fart ยป really helped

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I think I was thinking of the stopping your pee sensation, so doing the pushing out a fart helped. It kind of felt like my balls were expanding or elongation almost

Visual are very helpful but not sure if I felt anything

Lying on my side definitely helped!

Lying on my side helped more than sitting down.

Lying down helped me

The pushing out a fart trick helpef


Made me poop my pants

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Gave me a hard on

The pushing out a fart and knowing I should be feeling something in that spot behind my balls really helped

Lying on my side and visualising pushing out a fart helped me feel it

Guidance provided helps.

Guidance more than the visuals worked.

The guidance helped more than the visuals

Guidance helped more

Pairing the visualization with the stages of breath helps confirm if I was doing it right.

Pairing it with my breathing , in and contacting and out and relaxing worked well for me