How was trying the squeeze technique?

wow! amazing sex hack!

That was really good for me, I think it makes you way more in tune with each arousal zone and gives control especially in that end zone.

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Came way faster than I wanted to, more practise required!

Started well, got to the arousal point near the beginning of the exercise and used the technique fine. From there it took a long time to get to that point again. Main reason is probably not using porn. Towards the end of ends had a few close calls

Don’t think I have an issue with lasting if I’m just properly hard. During this exercise it was easy to stay hard and I felt the point of no return twice and managed to stop it. Probably just stopping altogether would’ve been enough but I guess the sqeeze made sure of it. Good exercise anyhow.

I need more practice

I don’t know when the right time is to squeeze. I start to squeeze but the sensation is too much and I cum


Pretty sure the squeeze actually made me cum early that time, will keep trying!

I feel like the directions and graphic were backwards. I was unsure of how to grab it, thumb on top, index and middle finger on the bottom felt natural, trying it the other way felt backwards. It seemed to work, as others have said during sex it would be awkward, but it did work. I’ve tried squeezing before but not in this exact location.


The squeeze method worked really well for me. I was able to last for 8 minutes without cialis, and that is huge for me! I stayed pretty hard the entire time as well! If someone was to tell me I could stay hard for 8 minutes with no porn before I started MOJO I wouldn’t believe them! I am really happy with my results from this exercise.


It worked, yes. I usually cum fast when using oil, so I used oil for this exercise, made it to ten min.

I came much quicker than other techniques with this method unfortunately. The slickness of the lube made it hard to squeeze without slipping out of my fingers lol. I’ll keep practicing

I couldn’t control it with this technique. It was better with the start and stop technique alone.

Felt it work but not as effective aspennis rootroot masterbation or start stop


It’s really difficult for me to get my hand wrapped around the head so my thumb is on the underside of the tip and fingers on the opposite side. Also when i apply the pressure in that area, it’s really sensitive and makes me cum, so maybe i need to try it at a lower arousal level? Penis root masturbation and the stop-start methods work way better so far. I also think this method would work better with a partner since they can get their hand wrapped around properly as long as they stop when you get close to the point of no return.

This technique actually made me cum


Felt it work perfectly

Worked very well for me. I used my other hand to squeeze the frenulum so it’s not too awkward.

I did not last 10
Min at minute 8 I could not control it again

To be honest I’m quite proud of myself I could last the 10 minutes. No porn helps a lot though.

At the point of no return I have ti squeeze quite firmly.

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