How do you plan to simmer?

i’m simmering a bit texting a new person I’m seeing tonight

Start with notes on the end of messages and then more contact when I see them

Massages and cuddles

texting, whispers, extra contact

Talking, smiling , eye contact , playing , kissing slow

Messaging, kissing, embracing, touching.

Messaging and longer kisses

Texting, kissing, hugging

hugging, playing with her hair and face softly while watching tv… and longer kiss

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Solo simmering

Solo simmering

Messaging my partner, holding her closely, gazing into her eyes, giving her a squeeze

Imagining my partners body and scenarios we enjoy. Messages and affection

Not thinking of simmering as foreplay. Deep connection moments that do not lead to anything

Text messages and some of the pointers in the video.

tell how much i cannot wait to see him, and send him remind all day of much i miss him and how much I wish he was here, be very explicit when it comes to our sex, and communicate it, when we together just small gestures like arm stroking, and definitively not see as a foreplay

I think just trying to show more passion. It’s always been there but I haven’t been very intentional about it

I do this all day every day already and it is reciprocated but we still have sex once a month or so. This is something we have always done.

Cuddling and touching is always a way to simmer, I feel. We always use it.
In the morning when we wake up we take our time to get out of bed and sometimes even leads to sex

I think in some ways it’s also about finding their love language and working on that . My partner likes more mental play and buildup and spontaneity