more fantasies and porn!
Low libido is definitely not my problem!
Try to solo simmer at regular intervals using memories of past experiences or fantasies.
being more verbal to my partner
Really can relate to this and can see how it can keep the passion alive
Fantasizing various scenarios with my partner when I’m not with them, and when I am, being more teasy and playful
I simmer with my husband all the time
My partner and I both have very high independent sex drives but I think because we have not been vocalizing it to one another the sexual temperature within the relationship has dropped. I plan to tell her what I’m excited to do when we meet, send her content and messages that I know turn her on, and generally try to keep sex a regular stress free topic of conversation between us.
Partner has low libido and is not open to working on it!
Kinda good at it.
I sort of do this anyway. Solo. Buys it good to know I’m not a pervert haha
Being more flirty and fun and sincere while texting. I think getting in touch w my own sexuality through these exercises naturally brings my libido up and I want to express it w my partner and that comes out w how I text her
Be teasy, when she’s changing tell her to slow down, lift her up when I’mkissing her
Teasing with touch and messages throughout the day
Kissing him more passionate and start telling him how hot I think he looks
A passionate kiss every time I have to leave and go somewhere, and go back to holding hands when we’re sitting side by side. Tell her more how much I desire her
Tell them that I can’t wait to see them later
More unpromptu messages, compliments, lingering kisses, teases
Compliments in person, touch, messaging
We do this a lot, but would be interesting to try being a bit more deliberately ‘sexy’ about it